All good things come to an end...

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Well ducklings this is the end I hope you enjoyed reading this book it's been fun writing it let's carry on with the story

Anthony's pov:

I woke up on the nurses bed and looked over to Adams but...he wasnt there the only thing there was a note and blood. I got up and walked over to the note and picked it up and read 'Dear chilled as your reading this you may have noticed Adams body is gone that's because I decided to kill him I ended his misery now that he's out of the picture you can be mine now! We will meet soon bye for now. ~Delirious' I dropped the paper "n-no" I fell down to my knees "No a-Adam!!!" I cried in my arms. I heard the door swing open "Anthony what's..." I heard him pick up the note
"Chilled I'm so sorry..." Max said I looked at him with tears in my eyes he got down on his knees and gave me a hug and I cried on his shoulder he patted my back "hey go to your room and calm down a bit I'll go break the news." He helped me up and walked me to my room "come to the mess hall when your ready"

Max's Pov:

I can't believe it...he's dead, god poor Anthony I know he loved him so much and then have hope that he will recover only to be torn apart by delirious. I sighed and opened the door to the mess hall I grabbed a mic and turned it on "uh hello can I have your attention" everybody stopped talking and looked my way "i have some horrible news we lost Adam Montoya...he was killed by delirious" everyone's happy face soon dropped to sadness "that's all" I put the mic up and the doors opened chilled was there with blood shot eyes but they were also blue.. Oh shit! "Hutch get the syringe"

Anthony's Pov:

I made my way to the kitchen I grabbed a knife from the drawer I then head out of the kitchen but someone grabbed my arm "Anthony" I looked at ze "I know your upset we are to but don't do anything you'll regret" I take my arm from him "don't worry I won't regret it..." I walked out of the mess Hall and grabbed a pistol on the way out of the base. I hide the weapon in my gun holder and the knife in my pocket I walked over to dels base "hey stop who are you?" I looked at them and smiled "I'm dels friend" the lower there guns a bit and I quickly got my gun and shot them both in the head. I take my knife and stab the key pad making the gate open automatically I open the doors and look around I heard footsteps and hid around the corner "hey do you know why del wants us in the mess hall" the guy said "something about a guy" they passed by and went into the mess hall. I walked back outside 'if I know anything about the mess hall that there should be an exit just in case of a fire so if I find the exit I can sneak in and get him from behind' I peek around the corner and see two guys I aim down one of them and shoot him "eren! Whoever shot I know where that bullet came from your dead meat!" He ran my way and as soon as he was gonna turn the corner I grabbed him and stabbed him in the neck "suffer" he choked on his own blood as I went past him I looked around tell I found a door I opened it and it lead me to the kitchen I hid behind the counter as del got in front of everyone. "Hello everybody I have great news I took the one and only seananners and implanted a chip in his brain so now he thinks he's on our side" Adam soon walked out and nodded to del standing by him "we also have some more new people" 2 girls walked out "this is Dially  and this is Emily" the two girls waved to everyone. Alright I've had enough of this! I threw a smoke grenade and hopped over the counter and grabbed del throwing him on the floor "what the hell have you done to Adam!" He smirked "I don't think you want to know chilly" I grabbed my knife and stabbed him in the hand. He didn't let out a single scream. I pulled my pistol about to shoot him but I was pulled back "this is for your own good chilled" I saw the whole entire base here fighting. A pinch of pain was on my neck. I felt dizzy. Del started to laugh. "Do it now!" I heard a girl voice a bunch of smoke was entering the room everybody started to fall. I saw Adam fall "Adam..." Everything went black...

Time skip....

I woke up in my room "uhg my head" I got up and looked around this is...something. My door soon opened "chilled your up! That's good but hurry we got some new people!" He closed the door and ran off. I looked at a hat it was like Mario hat but with a C. I shrugged and decided to wear it I headed out and ran to the cafeteria room I made it just in time and stood by ze "big news today we have 2 new recruits this is Night and this is trinity"

??? Pov:

The plan worked both sides should have no memory of each other other then there rivals hopefully this plan will work.

So that's the end of this book 4 new characters Dially Le_Spam_Empress NightTheHybrid and me go check them all out also should there be a sequel or should I just leave it like this making you think! I hoped you enjoyed reading this I loved writing this see ya in the next book my ducklings

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