Ill protect you!

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Adams Pov:
Yesterday was very fun I'm just glad my chilly willy was happy the pictures I took of him are so cute! But enough about that max needed me for something. I knocked on his door in a special way "come in nanners" I walked in and saw Sean,mark,fluffy,chilled and krisam. "Take a seat by chilled Adam" I smile "no need to ask me twice" I sat by chilled and kissed his cheek. "Well I called you all here because I have a mission for you all" he gave us all papers and we took a peek "there has been terrorist in the mall and they planted a bomb we need you guys to find those terrorist capture them if ya can so we can question them" I looked at what my part was and smirked. "I'll let you guys talk it over"  he then left the room "I have to make sure that everyone is safely out of the building" Sean said "yea me too" mark said still reading his paper "well that's good since you two are very loud" krisam chimed in "what about you babe" I looked up at chilled when he said babe that's new to here I like it! "I'm defusing the bomb" he look worried at me. I took his hand and kissed his forehead "don't worry sweetie I'll be fine" he smiled "AWWW" I glare at mark Sean fluffy and krisam "what's your role maddy . "Stay outside and make sure no one has bad injuries" I look at chilled "mine is get the terrorist with buddy" chilled said "which would be me!" Krisam hopped. They both high five "protect him with your life.." I stared at kris and she nodded. "Welp let's suit up!"

......................time skip.........................

Adams Pov still:

We all hopped in the car 1 by 1 and I was last to get on I sat by chilled and held his hand which was shaking "hey calm down if anything goes wrong I'll protect you" he smiled and leaned his head on me. The car took off and max passed out bags with items in them we all opened the bag. I got wire cutters and a screw driver with a white moist towelettes. I look over at chilled he had hand cuffs a glock and cloth krisam had a gun to and rope. Mark and Sean had AK-47  and maddy had a riot shield with a shotgun "there will people from different bases to come and help ya out so don't worry about not enough back up. Also where these head sets to keep on track with each other" I put mine on mark helped Sean with his and maddy got help from chilled. The truck came to a stop "alright good luck guys" we all hopped out we saw the other base team hop out of there truck to. We nodded at them and they nodded back chilled put his hand in the air '3' 2' 1' we all ran in.

Marks  Pov:

"EVERYONE GET OUT MOVE MOVE MOVE!" People all ran outside some in confusion some in a panic "COME ON NOW HUSLE HUSLE" I looked over to Sean and he seemed to be a lot louder then me. I couldn't help but stare at him. My attention was soon drawn away by a guy running in a different direction "Anthony come in, a guy headed your way might be the terrorist" I waited for his input "got it I'll go check it out make sure no ones in the store" I looked at Sean "come on let's go check the stores" he nodded and we took off

Maddy's Pov:

Me and the other team put riot shields around the mall. I got tapped on the shoulder by a little girl "excuse me miss but my big brother is still in there!" She seemed to be 6 "okay I'll call that in how old is he and what's his name "he's 8 and his name is Noah" I nodded "mark come in" I looked at the girl "where's you last see him" "yea what's up?" Mark said "he was in kid kicks with me" I nodded "look for a 8 year old named Noah in kid kicks" I put in "okay I'm in here now" I smiled at the girl "don't worry we will find him" she smiled big "I think I found him I'll be out with him in a second" I nodded and checked in with the other team "found anyone?" "Yea some teens and young adults were coming out right now open up" I turned to the doors and opened them they came out with a few people mark came out holding a little boy "found him" the little boy hopped down and hugged his little sister. "Anthony anything?"

Anthony's pov:

I pressed in "can confirm he's traitor I'm gonna get him" I looked at krisam and did an ok sign and she nodded she ran out  and grabbed him by his arms slamming him on to the wall. I ran out gun in hand pointed at his head "stand still or I will be forced to shoot you" I give the hand cuffs to her and she hand cuffs his one hand and she hand cuffs her hand. She got him off the wall and we started walking we saw the other team with the other terrorist "Adam are you okay?" "Yea I'm okay I almost got this damn thing defused how about you are you alright?" I smile "yes I'm okay" my head started to hurt and my eyes were dry 'chilled behind you!' Del voice said. I quickly turn around and grab the mans arm and knocked his gun out of his hand I threw him into a window breaking it he kicked me in the face and I fell back a bit I slammed his head on the wall and then pushed him on the ground hand cuffing both his hands. My eyes went normal and the head ache was gone. I walked back to the team with him close to me "nice job chilled!" Krisam cheered for me. We walk out with the terrorist getting applause. I throw the traitor in our truck. "Adam I'm coming back in for you!" I got no response I quickly ran in "ANTHONY NO" Sean yelled but I ignored and ran right in.

Adams Pov:

I finally defused the bomb I got up to head out but I was smacked across the head with a gun I tried to get up but the guy pinned my hands to the wall with his strong grip he threw my head set off "have to hand it to you Adam Montoya you defused that bomb very quickly" he was tiring me to something "but there was just one you missed" he walked over to a box and lifted it. There was a bomb not activated yet. He turned it on and it was set to go off in 45 seconds. "Don't worry I'll numb your whole body so you won't feel a thing!" He punched me right in the face over and over. He then kicked me in my stomach I started to cough up blood. My head set went off "Adam I'm coming back for you!" My eyes widen and I looked at the bomb 20 seconds
"I guess I'm killing 2 birds with 1 stone" I glared at him he was about to punch me again but 'bang' a bullet went straight threw his head and he fell down bleeding all over. I looked over and saw chilled in shock when he saw me I look at the bomb "Anthony the bomb" it's at 10. His eyes widen and he cut me free '7' he picked me up and ran out of the shop '5' he then covered me with his body '3' 2' 1'  the bomb went off.

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