A lovly practice

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Okay guys this is gonna be a bit short so I hope you don't mind and I've decided my books are gonna be mostly about seachaos of course with some other ship I will take some ship suggestions

Max's Pov:

I walked around watching everyone shoot they were all doing good except Ze was having trouble so I went over and got behind him "need some help private?" He jumped a bit "yea but please don't do that" I chuckle. "First of all it helps to have your arms up not down. He fixed his position "now put your left hand near the middle and your right hand on the trigger." He moved his hands "like this" I smiled and took his left hand and moved it closer to the trigger and took my other hand and helped him lay his finger on the trigger "more like this." He looked at me and I smiled at him "and now just simply pull" I pressed his finger down and it shot a perfect head shot "th-thank you" I smiled and kissed his cheek "no problem ze" I got up and headed to diction "alright head to the obstacle course" diction yelled. I looked over at ze and saw his red face and laughed to myself

Everyone did the course perfect and none of them messed up they all seem tired so we let them go back to there dorms. Ze was all alone so I went over to him "hey ze why ya still out here?" He turned to me "why'd you do that?" I looked at him confused "why did you kiss me?" I looked down. There's no going back now I should tell him "listen Ze the truth is that I've had a crush on you for a while... At first I thought it was a phase but then I started to realize that I actually like you it's stupid I know but-" his hand was placed on mine and I blushed "I-I like you to max you should have told me...because then I can do this without hesitation" I looked at him and before I knew it he was kissing me and I slowly closed my eyes and kissed back. And I hate to admit it but he's a better kisser then Renee. We both pulled apart "max I love you" I smiled "I love you too" we kissed once more.   I was called to go to the science room so I got up "I'll see you later Ze" I walked inside with high spirits even though I was kinda all against taking the rule down I'm glad we did. I walked into the lab and went over to hutch "ah max glad your here I found out what's in chilled it's called metrosyte it's a syrum that can make one man have split personality and make you go crazy so that why chilled was acting strange but people who are injected with metrosyte have to have a trigger to make them go crazy but I don't know what his trigger is..." I nodded "well maybe we can call in the troops from last mission to help us out." I picked up my walkie talkie "Sean,maddy,Stevan,and mark head to the lab" I turned to hutch "do you have anything that could help him?" He nodded "yea something that should help him but we need him to be full blown crazy for this to work" I sighed "that's gonna be a pain" the door opened "you needed us sir?" Maddy said I nodded and turned to them "while In the jeep with chilled do you know what triggered him to attack the man" they looked at each other to see if anyone had an answer "actually I remember one thing!" Mark said and I nodded so he could keep talking "the man said that they at least killed Adam and that's when he snapped I think" I nod "thank you" they nod and left before Stevan left I pecked him on the cheek making him leave with a smile and I guess no one saw. "So when someone does anything to nanners he goes crazy" hutch said "I guess so looks like we got the info we need so let's call it a day and rest" he nodded and I head out ze was waiting by the door "hey max can I sleep with you tonight knowing that something is wrong with chill kinda makes me scarred" I smiled and took his hand "sure" we then walked back to my room

Sorry that it's short I just wanted to publish but I hoped you liked it anyway I'll see ya later my ducklings

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