Valentines day: Part 1

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As promised I am making a chapter this chapter is gonna be cute ya know for valentines day or for some people like me forever alone day...but yes cute time for the boys! Now some may have got the message but this is for all of you guys! Most people say that the are forever alone but your are forever loved by me!

Chilled's Pov:

No I can't tell him he will think I'm crazy "oh uh nothing I'm fine I just much broccoli!"
Adam laughed oh how I love his laugh "well lunch is going on do you still want to get food after your explosion" I laugh "yes I am so hungry" he grabbed my hand "Then let's go!" He then ran off with me quickly following behind. "I get more work out with you then training I swear!" He laughed and pulled me in the lunch room and we walked over to the table. "Oh sorry guys a few friends wanted to sit her so there not much room" Ze said "that's okay we can manage " he sat in the spot and he looked at "you gotta be kidding me" he laughed "come on chi chi"
(First of all he actually said this to chilled and I squealed and second it is pronounced as chie chie) I sighed and sat on his lap and put my head on his shoulder "you guys are fuckin adorable" minx said with arm wrapped around krisams waist. I just blush. I look around the table to see why it's so full "oh hey mark and Sean!"  They laughed "honestly thought you would notice us first with our hair being so bright" I smile and looked at Adam "sorry I was a bit distracted" Adam chuckles and kisses my nose

"So what's everyone gonna do for valentines day twomarrow!"
"Me and minx are gonna go for a romantic walk and then look at the stars together" krisam kissed her cheek "awe I love you bebe"  I smiled at them
"Me and mark are just gonna play video games" jack said and I laughed "well me and smarty and galm are gonna throw a valentines day party speaking of which I booked the base a private party at a near by club so here" he handed us all VIP passes "sweet! I'm going to that"  I said "what about you two" Adam pecked my cheek "oh i got something fun planned" I sighed "I'm in love with a child" he did his famous dolphin laugh causing us all to laugh "I actually have something planned tonight" Adam looked at me curiously "oh and what's that?" I laughed "gotta wait tell tonight" he chuckled "I bet I can get it out of you" he started attacking my neck "adaaaaaam not in from of our friends" I said blushing "no I'm okay with this!" I looked at them and they were recording us so I buried my head in Adams chest "okay fine I'll manage to wait" I smiled and got up "well I have guarding duty so I'll see you guys later"  I pecked Adams lips and headed out. I made a few turns and went up to the gate but when i slid my card down and the gate opened and I was grabbed then slammed to the wall "hello sweetie missed me?" Delirious! I struggle to get out his grip "uhg! What do you want!" He laughed "oh I just came to say happy early valentines day I'm planning something for tomorrow so I came to say it now" my eyes were blue I could tell since they felt dry and my head hurts "so I leave you with my gift" he then put his mask up "don't you d-" he then cut me off by kissing me I wanted to pull back but...he's such a good kisser. Wait what am I saying?! I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He tried to deepen the kiss but I stopped and pulled back quickly "oh my god why d-did I do that!!" He smirked and let me go and I blinked quickly tears streaming down my face but delirious was gone "oh my gosh I'm so sorry Adam!" I fell to my knees and cried

Adams pov:

I finished my paper work and got up  "okay few minutes more before chilled gets off and I can see what he made for me!" Entoan laughed "you really can't do anything without him huh?" I smiled "he's my everything and he makes me happy I don't even know how I got by before he got here" he chuckled and got up "well what he made for you is awesome your really gonna like it" I looked at him "ya know what he did for me?!" I smiled

Anthony's Pov:
I walked back in the base after I pulled myself together beside that wasn't me that was....let's call him creamy spinach because I hate that stuff it's gross all I have to do Is wait for Adam at his surprise and have a good time. I looked at my watch and smiled. Better hurry

Adams Pov:

He laughed and handed me a video game with a note to it he left and I read the note 'hello my dear this is gonna be a little goose chase your next clue is where we first got assigned to be roommates!' I smiled and looked at the game "the walking dead huh? Hm I always wanted to play this." I walked out the room and locked up. "Where we first got assigned huh? Hmm..." I laughed "oh I know now" I quickly ran to maxes office I open the door and looked around. The chair spun around showing a smiling max "hello Adam" I smiled "hello sir have anything for me?" He chuckled "yup but first" he stood up and lightly slapped my cheek and he left there was a heart shaped box on his desk. I then touched my cheek and I felt a note. I took it off and read it 'the slap was for yesterday for waking me up early! This is a not that is true now go to the place where you said your first I love you!' I laughed and opened the box and I saw a bunch of almonds! I popped a few in my mouth "oh god thank you chilled! Hmmm now where I first said I love you.....the cafeteria!" I ran out the door and to the Lunch room I saw minx krisam and maddy smiling and there hands behind there back "hi Adam we have something for you but you gotta guess who has it!" I looked at there face and studied them "hmm uh..." I looked at maddy and she was smiling big "maddy do you have anything for me?" She nodded and held out a bouquet of flowers and they walked off giggling. I smelled the flowers and read the note 'this was short I know but the journey ends at a place we snuggle' I headed back to our room mark and jack ran up to me both handing me balloons then running off. I laughed and opened our room door. As soon as I walked in a smell of pumpkin spice hit me. I saw a few roses at the door of the bathroom  I open the door "wow" there were rose petals in the tub with bubbles and rose petals all over with a few candles on the ground. I felt arms wrap around me "happy valentines day babe!" I smiled and leaned back into chilled still looking at the room "you've really out done your self love" I turned around still in his arms "I think you deserve a bit of relaxation" I chuckled "you know what would make me real happy?" He kissed my nose "what?" He smiled "if you get in with me" he chuckled "sure"

Anthony's Pov:
He took off my shirt and I took his off I couldn't help but stare he smirked "like what ya see?" I blushed "y-yes!" He laughed he came up to me "come on don't be shy here" he kissed me and I closed my eyes and kissed back he took off my jeans and I took off his we took our boxers off and he lead me into the tub lips still connected. He stepped in and so did I and he lowered us in the tub. We broke out of the kid gasping for air "see easy" he chuckled and I smiled I layed back in his arms and kissed his cheek "it's officially valentines day" I said he kissed my head "I'm glad I'm spending it with you" I cupped a few bubbles in my hands  and turned to Adam "don't-" I blew the bubbles all over him and laughed "Ey Santa!" I said while laughing. He laughed to "you've been a naughty boy Anthony" he said in his Santa voice. I laughed harder and washed some of the bubbles off. He cupped a lot of bubbles "wanna see something cool" I nodded smiling. He blew and the bibles flew everywhere. I took some petals and threw it in the sky watching them float down with the bubbles. "Best valentines gift ever" he made me face him and kissed me. I smiled in the kiss

Part 1 end there might be another upload today for part 2 but it might be on Monday to so yay! Happy valentines day I got a cute ass bear from my sister

Part 1 end there might be another upload today for part 2 but it might be on Monday to so yay! Happy valentines day I got a cute ass bear from my sister

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I think I'll make the question and dare book not quite sure if you guys want that  but bye my lovly ducklings

Comment challenge: what did you guys get for valentines day!

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