Secret comes out

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Adams pov:
I ran out of the room and to the front of the base waiting for them to get back hoping that all that was fake but when the van arrived I saw no sight of chilled and I started to cry. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see krisam I got up and hugged her while crying.
"Adam I'm so so sorry" I just shook my head "it's not your fault krisam..." The rest of the team loaded out and gave me a hug ohm whispered in my ear "I'm sorry I - I tried to stop him I'm so sorry" I cried even harder. God dammit Anthony! I knew you going was a bad idea! Someone ran out "GUYS THE TRAITORS THEY CALLED IN" I got up and ran in fast as possible I burst threw the doors and saw a group of ppl I stepped threw the crowed and saw the screen was off at first but then it showed a person in a chair all bruised and bloody and ripp....HOLY CRAP "ANTHONY" I instantly shouted he looked up weak "a-Adam..." I started to cry "what have they done to you?...." "Oh why hello there friends!" That voice! "Delirious! Wtf have you done to Anthony" I said (ok so my auto correct went off and it said what have you don diddly do to Anthony XD)
Delirious walk into frame and over to Anthony with something "oh he's fine I was just prepping him for his shot and then he can go back to you guys I had my fun already" I was getting angry "don't you dare touch him with anything!" Delirious grabbed a syringe "oh Adam you think is actually LITSEN to you haha well since you guys are watching enjoy the show mwahehehe!" He then jabbed the syringe in the side of his neck "CHILLED" "BRAAAAAHAAAAAAAA GAHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA" Anthony was screaming and his veins were popping out I can see his tears and his blood curdling screams made me want to scream to "C-Chilled" I was about to cry I couldn't bare to see him like this. Someone turned off the computer "you shouldn't watch this Adam" it was ohm "c-chilled.." That's all I was able to say right now some people looked at me with worry some looked at me with pity and sorrow. The people started to talk "Adam don't be upset your stronger then this man show some dignity!" Some said "I'm sorry Adam" most of the people who knew me and him were dating said "welp looks like we won't see him anymore..." That just broke me I got up moved threw the talking people and grabbed that person not caring who the hell it was and slammed him to the wall "DONT YOU DARE FUCKING SAY THAT DAMMIT ANTHONY IS STRONG AND HE WILL COME BACK" I was choking him now "I DONT KNOW WHO THE HELL YOU THINK YOU ARE SOLDER TO SAY SUCH THINGS AND GIVE HOPE ON MY ANTHONY SO DAMN QUICKLY-" he smiled and managed to say "y-your Anthony?" My breath hitched when I realized what I just said. Someone yanked me off the boy before I suffocated him. My eyes watered again and I ran threw those doors to my room quickly and when I got there I quickly slammed the door and locked myself in. I went to Anthony's bed and hugged my knees and cried.

??? Pov:
I was walking to the new base I was suppose to go to when I saw something on the floor in the distance I walked over to it and saw a beat up bruised body with torn cloths  and so many stab or cut wounds "oh god" I picked up the dirty body "uhh maybe I can take you to my base to see if they can help you" "....Adam....." The body said. Well at least I know your alive now. I carried him Bridal style "c'mon now" I started walking back to the base.

Welp do you guys wanna take a guess on who that is I'll give you a hint. eye. Well any ways I finally updated the dang book sorry my a/n above should explain a lot but any ways my ducklings I'll see you in the next chapter of whatever I make

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