A bloody good time

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Maddy's Pov:

We heard an explosion "EVERYONE BACK UP" they al ran far away from the mall the mall started to collapse "ANTHONY AND ADAM ARE STILL IN THERE" I was gonna run in but I was pulled back "no it will collapse on you we just have to wait!" We watched in horror as the whole place came down knowing our friends are in there and we can't do anything about it but watch. Dust stirred up and we all hid our faces in our arms.

Anthony's Pov:

It was dark and something was on top of us "were gonna be okay Adam I promise" I start kicking the stuff on us even though it hurts like hell to move. I kept kicking and kicking until I saw light I instantly started pushing stuff away and I finally got out of the mess it was dusty I couldn't see a thing. I crawled out and with all the energy left in my body I pulled Adam out and right next to me. I put my hand on his heart it's dangerously slow. I wipe the blood off his face. "I can do this just do it for Adam" I picked him up and started to stand but my legs were shaky I took a step forward all my focus on Adam "H-Help" I yelled which wasn't very loud I checked his breathing. Slow "no no!" I started to walk a bit faster my walk then soon turn into a run hurting every bone in my body but I didn't care my one true love is gonna die! I ran out of the dusty air and fell in front of someone's feet collapsing "base.now!" I had trouble breathing I got up and hopped in the truck holding Adam close tears falling on to his bloody skin. "Don't you die on me!" People hopped in and gave me a sympathetic look. The truck started to move. "Welp he's dead at least our mission killed someone..." I looked at the traitor in hand cuffs. I lay Adam down get up and crouch in front of him "chilled what are you-" I take out my knife and hover it over his eye "I don't think you need a left eye" he smirked at me "you don't have the guts" he snickered "chilled do-"


I put the knife down "hah knew it" I then put my finger under his eye I put two more fingers and yanked pulling his eye out of his socket. His screams made me smile and my friends watched in horror. I bit the cord on his eye filling my mouth with blood and his eye fell into my hands "AHHHH YOU SON OF A BITCH" I grabbed my knife "watch your language" I forced his mouth open I put a needle at both sides of his mouth to keep it open I pulled his tongue out and took my knife I slowly cut the blood going into his mouth dripping drop by drop. I stopped right in the middle "chilled stop I think he learned his lesson" I look over to my friends and there eyes widen "y-your eyes w-why is one b-blue" I smirk at them and cut his whole tongue off his mouth filled with blood I took the needles out and unlock the cuffs I took one of his hand I started to pull each nail off some of the blood hitting me in the face once all of his nails were off on his one hand I pulled out a bag of needles and jabbed nail into every finger and for the last one I took my gun and shot him in the middle of his hand. I took his other hand and bit on his two middle fingers I bit harder and harder until they both came off in my mouth I spit the fingers out and swallowed his blood. To finish it off I stabbed him right in the crotch making him scream all he could scream. The truck came to a stop and I dropped the knife and picked up Adam my one eye going normal. I passed by all my friends there eyes wide and some looking like they want to puke I turned to the crying man and. Showed him his one eye "this is mine now got it?" He quickly nodded. As soon as the doors opened I hopped off and went inside to look for the nurse office. I finally find it and walk in setting him down on the bed "can you please fix him" she took his hand "well glad you got him here fast he seems almost dead but I think I can help him but for now how about you go clean up and I'll check on you next okay" I nodded and walked out and headed to our room as I was walking both my eyes went blue. 'Im coming for you next del'

I'm gonna stop there I'm sorry it's short but jeez I need to catch a breath from that! I promise a longer chapter next time! But I'm curios tell me if I should do more of these gory chapters

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