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So I time skipped a couple days so it's a day before Halloween enjoy
It's been 4 days and Star has got more and more excited. She's  been literally running down the hall and she's unfortunately fell down the stairs at least once a day. Good thing is she's been ok after each fall and gotten back up but continued to run. Then I hear her yell from the hall in my room

Star: Marco! Run with me!
Marco: Star, I don't want to fall down the stairs!
Star: you not! I will!
Marco: still no!
Star: please Marco!?
Marco: fine! I will!

I walk into the hall and I just start to run and I go to the stairs then I see Star but I bump into her and we both fall down the stairs. When we land I'm on top of her and there is one bad or awkward thing.... Our lips crush into each other and we kiss by accident for only 2 seconds until we pull away.

We fall down the stairs and by accident me and Marco... Kiss. Do I count it as my first kiss or accidental? Accidental because I want a kiss where someone likes me and wants to kiss me not where it's accidental. Is it bad that I liked it?Now I can't help but say

Star: that was awkward
Marco: yup
Star: Marco, get off of me
Marco: huh?....Oh sorry!

He gets off, gets up and holds out his hand, I take it, and again Tinley and butterflies when I get up I don't run because that took my energy away. I walk over to the couch and sit down with no energy it all and Marco sits next to me.... A little close but I'm too tired to say anything. But I have to ask him this very awkward question

Star: Marco?
Marco: yeah?
Star: that kiss
Marco: yeah.....
Star: this may be awkward but did you like it?
Marco: I don't know maybe a little....

My creeks turn bright red and I can't get this smirk off my face and it makes it obvious to him that I liked it but he doesn't notice. Thank god....

Star asked me if I like that kiss; I don't know if I do... Maybe a little. After I tell her what I think I see her cheeks turn bright red and she gas this smirk on her face. Wait, if she's turning bright red and smirking; Does me? Forget that I'll ask her what she thought

Marco: Star, did you like it?
Star: like you said.... A little
Marco: oh ok

Oh dear god! She said just that!

Oh dear god! He just asked that!

Starco is happening people! I can't wait! I made Starco happen in 4 chapters..... I just realized that... Sorry about that. But there will be more don't worry about that

Starco: Star's First HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now