One-shot #9

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Hey guys, this one will be awesome and trust me it will

Star's Christmas Present


I wake up and I remember it's Christmas morning. I was wondering why I woke up earlier than usual. I go to wake up Marco when I finally get to his room I open the door and walk over to his bed quietly. When I get to his I shake him and tell him it's time to wake up.

Star: Marco, it's time to get up
Marco: (groans and rolls over away from Star)
Star: (sighs) I tried to to gentle about this but Marco, you leave me with no choice

I stand on his bed, start to jump, and scream wake up at him.

Star: Wake up! Wake up! Wake upppp!
Marco: whoa! Star, what are you doing?!
Star: it's Christmas morning!
Marco: yes I know but why didn't you just be gentle?
Star: I did but you didn't wake up
Marco: ok nice to know you did try to be gentle

Me and Star talk a little than my dad yells from downstairs to get down here to open presents. We don't waste anytime getting downstairs, sitting by the tree, and start opening them.

(I'm going to just list what they got)

Marco got
1) new phone case
2) Footlocker gift card
3) two movies
4) two movies
5) 5 new red hoodies

Star got
1) a new purse to put her wand in
2) a purple mini dress
3) the Minions (which is her favorite movie)
4) all of One Direction's albums
5) Super Mario Maker

(Back to the story)

We got awesome stuff and I can't wait to give Star my gift to her. Now we go through our stockings which I had to explain to her. We pour what was in them out but Star had a small box come out.

Marco: wow Star, looks at Santa sneaked that one in your stocking
Star: yeah I wonder what it is
Marco: well open it
Star: ok

She opens it and she looks at it weirdly because she doesn't know what it is. But I know what it is. Star got a iPhone 6s and I can't believe it

I open my surprise present and it's a small box that has a picture of a flat thing on it. Marco looks at me in shock and I ask him what this is.

Star: what is this?
Marco: it's a iPhone 6s, Star
Star: iPhone like your phone
Marco: yeah
Star: (gasp) this is so cool!

Now that I know what this is I'm excited.

Marco: come on Star, let's set up it
Star: ok

After we set up my phone I change the home screen and lock screen.

Star: I'm going to change the home and lock screen
Marco: cool what picture are you going to use?
Star: this picture

I pull Marco close and we smile when I take the picture but that's my home screen. Than I grab Marco' s phone and text myself a picture to make my lock screen.

Marco: what picture did you just text yourself?
Star: this one

I show Marco the picture I picked and it's the picture of me and Marco in our costumes on our first Halloween together.

Marco: I like it
Star: me too

This was good right? Anyway there is one more one-shot but I'm not going to write it today. Keep Calm and Read On

Starco: Star's First HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now