One-shot #5

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Hey so this is a idea I literally just came up with so enjoy

One Direction

Me and Marco are listening to iHeart radio and the station that is playing right now I really don't like what's songs are on. Stuff like Justin Bieber and The Vans... Etc. I don't know why Marco doesn't change it I think he likes it but I really hope not. So I ask him if he does

Star: Marco
Marco: yeah
Star: do you like this music?
Marco: a little
Star: well can you please change it I hate it
Marco: fine let me fine a good station
Star: thank you

He looks at his phone and then plays the station he picked but it's on a commercial then the DJ said the name of a boy band called One Direction. Then he saids the of one of their songs called "What Makes You Beautiful" then it plays
(I'm writing random parts of the lyrics)

Your insecure don't know what for
your turnin' heads when you walk through the door
Don't mean to make up but cover up
Being the way that you are is enough
Everyone else in the room can see it everyone else but you
Baby you light up my like no one else
The way you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell
You don't know you beautiful
If only you saw what I could see
You'll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know your beautiful
That's what makes you beautiful

I like this song but I don't know if Marco likes but I don't care. I start to sing along as the second part of the song plays.

Star: So c-come on
You got it wrong
To prove I'm right I put it in a song
I don't know why you bein' shy
In the way I look into your eyes.....

I snap my fingers, close my eyes, and move my head from side to side every time I snap my fingers as the song ends. Then another song plays and it's called "Drag Me Down" and it's awesome. A song called "Story Of My Life" plays and it's so touching I almost cry.

Marco: Star, can I change the station? This is terrible expect "Drag Me Down"
Star: no! I love this station!
Marco: ok (rolling his eyes)
Star: yay another song!

The song "If I could fly" and it reminds me of "Story Of My Life" I love it. It's so beautiful!

I don't know why star likes this stuff it's not very good but I do like one song. But why does she like it? Hmmm I think it's a girl thing because Star is a girl and only girls like One Direction so that's probably it. Then another song comes on and to avoid hearing another song I leave Star to listen to One Direction. I hope she doesn't go crazy loving them because I couldn't handle that and I'm pretty sure she knows that because you can only take so much crazy.

Marco: Star, I'm going to my room because I can't listen to anymore One Direction
Star: ok later
Marco: later

I start to walk away then Star calls out

Star: wait!
Marco: what?
Star: kiss
Marco: ok

I knew what she meant she wants a kiss before I leave and I definitely understand that because she's my girlfriend and we kiss. I kiss her quick and I leave while Star listens to One Direction intently. She definitely love One Direction but she's not crazy about them do I can handle her.

Hey guys so I'm going to tell you about some of the details in the chapter
1) "What Makes You Beautiful" is the first One Direction song I ever heard and I was in 4th or 5th grade when I heard it
2) "Drag Me Down" is the only song my youngest boy cousin likes
3) "Story Of My Life" I did almost cry when I first heard it
4) "If I could fly" reminds me of "Story Of My Life" because of the way it touches my feelings
Anyway hope you liked it so until next time Keep Calm and Read On

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