One-shot #7

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I just got inspiration so get ready and enjoy

The Anniversary of a Permanent Scar

Why can't today be a normal? Why can't I be happy today and forget what happened to me two years ago? The reason why I can't be happy not stop crying my eyes out is because today is the day Tom broke up with me and took something from me too. Tom took something important from me it was magical more magical then my wand combined. The more I think about this the harder I cry then I feel a pair of arms wrap around mad and hug me tight it can only be Marco. I try to talk to him but my voice sounds weak and shake and I can barely talk. Marco rubs my back and tells me it's ok as a grab a handful of his hoodie and cry into it. As much I want today to be ok and be normal it can't because it scarred me for life too not mentally but physically. As soon as I get myself together I tell Marco why I'm crying before he gets a chance to ask

Marco: Star, why are you.....
Star: today is the anniversary of something that happened to me when I was 12 years old
Marco: what happened to you when you were 12?
Star: when I was 12 I was still with Tom and I thought he loved me but the he only wanted me for two things
1) to get his old girlfriend back
2) to steal magic from me more magical then my wand combined
Marco: what did he take from you?
Star: I have to explain something thing first before I tell you what he took
Marco: ok
Star: when I was born there was something unusual about me (sigh) you see the hearts on my cheeks were glowing not with light but with magic
Marco: what?
Star: I'm not done yet so anyway the light faded a little from my cheeks soon after but the doctor said that I had special magic from generations ago
Marco: how many generations?
Star: I don't know maybe like 10 or something
Marco: not everyone had this
Star: let me explain
Marco: ok sorry
Star: anyway since this magic was from generations ago I was very special but thing is that this magic would skip a couple generations so it would randomly selected a unborn child give that child the magic
Marco: how many people actually had this magic?
Star: about 4 people in my family had this
Marco: cool
Star: now here is the crazy part my magic was so strong my mom decided that I didn't need the Royal Magic Wand and I could just say the spells it would work
Marco: wait what?!
Star: I know crazy anyway though the years I learned all the spells but I couldn't case one until my 14th birthday. So when I was 12 I met Tom at a party and it was love at first sight we actually kissed literally minutes after we met and we started dating. So then a couple months later Tom (starts to cry and gasps) he took advantage of me.
Marco: what?! Were you ok?!
Star: Marco its not what your thinking but it is a little anyway he slapped both my cheeks until they were bright red. The reason he did this is because he wanted to steal my magic. But when the slapping didn't work he pinned me against a wall and cut both my hearts open and the magic went from me to Tom.
Marco: why didn't you try to get it back?
Star: because if you lost that magic and tried to get it back you would try to get it back the person who loved and cared about the most would die. At the time the that person was Ponyhead but now it's you Marco I don't want to lose you like that.
Marco: you won't lose me Star I love you
Star: l love you too Marco

We kiss and longer than usual then I feel something on my cheeks I just think it's Marco's hands but it isn't. Then I feel so much pain I stop kissing Marco and scream at the top of my lungs in pain while Marco looks scared very scared. After it stops Marco looks at me with a shocked face

Star: what?
Marco: Star, your cheeks
Star: what about them?
Marco: look in your mirror
Star: ok

I get up from my bed, I look into the mirror with shock as well, and I figured out something too

Star: my magic it's back
Marco: how?
Queen Butterfly: it's because if you show the person you love the most all the love at a time all this it will come
Star: mom?
Queen Butterfly: Star, I'm happy to see your magic is back
Star: me too but does this mean I have to give back the wand?
Queen Butterfly: of course not dear it's yours to keep if can help you control your magic
Star: (smiles) thank mom
Queen Butterfly: your welcome sweetheart but I have to go now bye
Star: bye mom love you
Queen Butterfly: love you too

Queen Butterfly hangs up and Stars cheeks glow with happiness

Marco: I like your hearts better this way
Star: me too
Marco: do we continue with our kiss?
Star: don't see why not

We kiss again and my hearts glow so bight I burn my auras and I think Marco's too

Star: sorry Marco I think my heart show my emotions now
Marco: yeah no kidding
Star: hang on wait

I pitch my cheeks and they stop glowing then I pitch them again and they glow again

Star: looks like I can control them at least
Marco: yeah now turn them stop and let's kiss without burning my eyes
Star: ok

I pitch them and me and Marco kissing and I'm happy knowing I finally have my magic back for good but I wonder. Who will be the next unborn baby who gets this magic? I know it skips generations but maybe one of my kids will have this magic but I don't know. All that matters is I have it now and I'm going to have fun with it

Hope you enjoyed this so until next time Keep Calm and Read On

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