Ch 4 ~Part 2~

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You'll find out if Star and Marco kiss or not
He kisses me. His kiss is soft and sweet like I'm kissing a teddy bear..... WAIT, MARCO IS KISSING ME?! OMG! Does he know it's me or does he think he's kissing Jackie? I saw Jackie was wearing the same costume as me and Marco. For some reason.... I kiss back not knowing why I am

I'm kissing the blonde girl and then something hits me.... Jackie and.... Star are the same costume. I COULD BE KISSING STAR! OH MY GOD! What will I do if I'm kissing Star? I could kiss her again.... What? No! Then again I do really like her and I've been wanting to do this for a while.... I just don't know what I'm going to do. Ok it's time to stop kissing this girl and I take off my mask and I take off her's.

Marco takes off his mask and then mine. His face looks shocked and then he puts his mask back on and puts mine back on and kisses me again. As he kisses me I remember something I like Marco... I love Marco this time I kiss back knowing why I am. But I also remember something else.... If we start to date and we break up;we won't be friends anymore. I won't be able to handle not being friends with Marco, he's my best friend, I have to stop this kiss now! I pull away, tell him I'm sorry, and run

Star: I'm sorry Marco

I'm kissing Star then she pulls away, said she's sorry, and runs. I see the sadness in her eyes before she runs then even though she didn't give a hint I got one. She likes me and if we started to date and break up we wouldn't be best friends anymore and she couldn't take that. I got to run after her and talk to her

Marco: Star! Wait!

I run after her and I lost her after she's turns a corner.... I lost Star.... I lost my Star........ I lost the love of my life......

A couple seconds after I start to run I hear Marco yell "Star! Wait!" But I keep running and a couple more seconds he runs after me but I keep running. Soon I lose him after I turn a corner and run home. When I get home I run up to my room, lock the door, and call one friend who can help me calm down.

Star: Mirror Mirror on the wall call Pony Head
Mirror: calling Tom
Star: wait? No!

Then Tom answers

Tom: oh hey Star
Star: not now Tom! Not never!
Tom: come on starsh....

I hang up and call Pony Head

Pony head: Hey Bfly! Why are you dressed like that?
Star: Its Halloween and Pony Head! I need help!
Pony Head: whoa What's up?
Star: me and Marco were at a Halloween party and this girl who Marco likes had the same costume I'm wearing now
Pony Head: and?
Star: He got caught up in the party and He kissed me thinking he was the other girl but I'm sure that he knew he was kissing either me or the other girl
Pony Head: whoa back up! He kissed you?!
Star: yeah and I don't know what to do because I know we like each other and if we start to date and we break up we won't be friends anymore and I couldn't take that
Pony Head: Bfly, I don't know what to do either but if I did it would be your job to figure out what to do because it's your love life
Star: Pony Head, please!
Pony Head: sorry Bfly

She hangs up and I flop on my bed and fall asleep but wake up minutes later to Marco at my door.

I figured out that Star is here because it's the only hiding place she has so it was easy to find her. I try to open the door but it's locked so I call out to her

Marco: Star, open the door we need to talk
Star: No Marco I can't
Marco: please Star!
Star: no
Marco: please Star! Please!
Star: find

She opens the door and I walk in starting to talk

Marco: Star, that kiss was nice, ok? I know your scared that if we start to date and break up we won't be friends anymore
Star: yeah! I still want to be friends because your my first friend and I don't want to lose you as a friend
Marco: Star, if we start to date and if we break up we'll always be friends I can guarantee that
Star: ok now that I know that I can say I.......

Haha cut off again! Wait until part 3 to find out what Star will say to Marco so till then Keep Calm and Read On!

Starco: Star's First HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now