Ch 4 ~Part 1~

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Hey guys! It's Halloween and you'll find out why it's a 3 part soon but enjoy
Omg! Halloween is today and I'm sooo excited to go trick or treating with Marco as Skeletons! Also there is a Halloween party tonight at the Rec Center tonight and we're going to it! O...m...g! I'm too excited.... I need to calm down.... Maybe if I take a nap I'll calm down.... I'll do that but before I do Marco comes in

Marco: hey Star, want to watch a couple of movies with my super awesome nachos?
Star: sure what movie?
Marco: there Halloween movies and one is old and the others they're kiddie movies but I thought why not
Star: ok

We go down the stairs without falling and kissing... Thank god. I see Marco was already set up because the nachos are done, the movies are out, and the TV is ready.

Marco: what movie first?
Star: kiddie one
Marco: ok

We end up watching a movie called "Monster House" and it's cute then we watch the old movie called "Hocus Pocus" and I don't understand it but its cool. By the time the movie is done we have to get our costumes on.... Yay!

We go up stairs to get in our costumes and after I put mine on I go to Star's room to wait for her then she said I can come in. I walk in and she looks beautiful then we put our masks on then I remember something so I go get two pillowcases for me and Star for all the candy. I walk back in to Star's room and she's jumping on her bed for a random reason

Marco: Star
Star: hey Marco, what do you got?
Marco: something to hold all of our candy
Star: OHHHH! Give me!
Marco: say please
Star: please
Marco: ok

I give her the pillowcase and she looks at me and I think she thinks I'm crazy for giving her a pillowcase

Star: Marco, why did you give me a pillowcase?
Marco: de can use the pillowcases to hold the candy
Star: ooooh ok
Marco: now let's go trick or treating
Star: yeah! I can use my want to get us down the block
Marco: really?
Star: yeah..... bajar el bloque!

Then we are teleported down the block and with start to trick or treating

~3 hours later~

Oh god... We got soo much candy and we are so trier Star has to teleport us back home and we rest for a hour because the party isn't for a hour.

Star: Marco, that was awesome
Marco: yeah
Star: thanks for making my first Halloween best ever I ever had
Marco: your welcome Star
Star: I think I need a nap
Marco: you nap I'll wake you when it's time to go
Star: ok

I'm so tried after trick or treating for 3 hours so I'm taking a nap but I do something that I don't realize I do because I'm so tried. I lead my head on Marco's shoulder and fall asleep with my arms wrapped around Marco's arm but not without saying night to him and yawning at the same time

Star: night Marco
Marco: Night Star

~one hour later~

Marco wakes me up and we go to the party but teleport us there with a spell

Star: ve a la fiesta!

We land behind the blanches and we go to dance

Star took me to dance and I see Jackie Lynn Thomas wearing the same costume as me and Star... cool.

~Half an hour later~

I have no idea what I'm doing now, I lost Star, and I'm just so caught up in the party I don't know what's going on anymore. Then I see a girl with blonde hair in a skeleton costume and without thinking I go up to her

I lost Marco a while ago but I'm ok then I see him come up to me and I'm gesture a wall so he holds me a gesture it and he goes in to kiss then...

Haha next chapter you'll find out IF they kiss and what will happen so till then Keep Calm and Read On

Starco: Star's First HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now