One-shot #1

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This first one I got the idea for this one-shot after school a while ago when I was waiting for my mom to pick me up

*P.s. In these one shots Star and Marco are boyfriend and girlfriend..... Just to be clear on that
Star's First Cup of Coffee

One thing I noticed today is Star isn't as hyper as usual she seems tried, slow, and out of it. I don't know why but I hope she's not sick... Maybe she's sleepy and the solution to that is sleep but she doesn't like to nap. What to do? Well, I know one thing to do but it might make her too hyper and that solution is... Coffee.

Come on Star stay awake! Oh god I'm so tried I can't even pay attention to Marco explaining Math to me then he yells my name to get me to pay a attention.

Marco: Star! Pay attention
Star: sorry Marco, my brain is too tried to pay attention
Marco: maybe you should nap?
Star: Marco, you know I don't like sleeping during the day
Marco: well, you need to wake up and stay up
Star: how will I do that?
Marco: there is one thing that can do that but it might make you too hyper
Star: too hyper?
Marco: more hyper then usual
Star: come on Marco, you want me to stay awake so you can explain Math and I don't want to nap so this is the solution to our problem
Marco: ugh fine
Star: yay! Wait what can keep me up?
Marco: coffee
Star: what's coffee?
Marco: coffee has a thing called caffeine in it that keeps people up
Star: oh.... Let's get some!

I grab Marco's wrist and run but I realized that I don't know know where to get coffee so I let Marco lead

Star starts to pull me but she realizes that she doesn't know where to go so she let me lead and I take her to a place called Starbucks because it has her name in it. We walk in to the place and it smells like coffee and other things anyway Star orders a Chocolate Frappuccino or something and I get a iced coffee. Then we have to wait so we sit at a table and while we wait Star almost falls asleep so I wake her.

Marco: Star, stay awake! Your coffee is almost ready
Star: I...can't...stay...up...any...longer.....
Marco: come on Star you got this
Starbucks employee: one ice coffee and a chocolate Frappuccino
Star: yay
Marco: I'll get them

I get the coffees and I give Star her's and I watch her take her first sip, she tastes it for a moment, and sucks the rest down but too fast.

Marco: Star, if you slow down you'll get a brain....
Star: OW! My head!
Marco: freeze.....
Star: Marco, why does my head hurt now?!
Marco: if you drink something cold too fast it makes your head hurt
Star: ok now how do I get rid of it?
Marco: you rub your tumbles
Star: where are my tumbles?
Marco: right here

I grab her hands and make them rub her tumbles and her face goes from in pain to relaxed face

Star: thank Marco, your the best

She kisses me and goes back to to drinking her coffee slowly so I drink my coffee too.


Ok the coffee might have been a mistake because now Star can't stay still for more then 10 minutes. I wonder how this will end....

I can't stay still! I need to move! I know Marco is annoyed but I can't stop moving! I wonder how this will end

Star: sorry Marco
Marco: for what?
Star: that I can't stay still for more 10 minutes
Marco: it's fine I knew that this might happen and it did
Star: how do I stop?
Marco: can't stop it you have to trier yourself out
Star: awwwww
Marco: sorry
Star: maybe we can ask Glossaryck
Marco: Star, you know I don't like that guy
Star: he wanted pudding!
Marco: he made me feed him and wouldn't tell me anything when I ran out of pudding!
Star: look if he asks for pudding I'll feed him ok?
Marco: ok thanks
Star: your welcome now get the book!
Marco: ok

He goes to get the book and I jump up and down waiting then Marco comes in carrying the book in with a little trouble but still got it

Marco: ok here is the book
Star: Glossaryck!

The pages flip and Glossaryck foolds up from the book

Glossaryck: what?
Star: I need help
Glossaryck: what kind of help?
Marco: Star, had coffee and now she can't stay still
Glossaryck: ummmm..... Well first I need pudding
Marco: of course!
Star: I got it!

I run down stairs and I trip on something and fall down the stairs

Oh god! I hate this guy! Then I we both hear a scream

Glossaryck: what was that?
Marco: Star!

I run out of the room and into the hallway with Glossaryck following then I see her laying on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I run down the stairs and kneel down next to her

Marco: Star!
Star: Marco......
Marco: are you hurt?
Star: no, I'm just sore
Marco: ok let me help you up

I help her up and I hug her way with she hugged me when I fell off the chair while getting the box of cereal

Star: Marco, I'm fine
Marco: I know I'm just making sure
Star: ok

I realize that she's tried I guess falling down the stairs makes her tried. Now we can focus on Math and Glossaryck can leave yay. I let go of her and ask her if she's tried to be sure

Marco: Star, are you tried?
Star: yeah but wake
Marco: good now Glossaryck can leave
Star: Marco! Be nice
Glossaryck: it's fine I played him the first time we met
Star: oh ok bye
Glossaryck: bye

He goes back to the book and we study Math also hug and kiss a little but not too much we need to study

That was Star's first cup of coffee and it was crazy so get excited for more one-shots so until next time Keep Calm and Read On

Starco: Star's First HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now