One-shot #3

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I literally thought of this last night after I went to sleep weeks ago but not too long ago

Mewberty Comes Back

Yay it's Saturday! I'm asleep and I feel weird so I open my eyes and see Purple Hearts on my skin. Oh no! My Mewberty is back and my mom told me that it won't be as bad as last time so that's good. But bad thing is I'll be attractived to Marco like crazy but the worst is..... (She feels cramps in her stomach, holds her stomach in pain, and moans in pain). The cramps also that will happen this so I'll be in pain and attractived to Marco like crazy, great just great. Then Marco comes in my room

Marco: Star, is your Mewberty back?
Star: yes (cramp) Ow!
Marco: what's wrong?
Star: my Mewberty won't be as bad as last time but I'll be attractived to you like crazy and I'll have cramps
Marco: ok but when will this end?
Star: I don't know ask Glossaryck
Marco: (signs) fine

I hate Glossaryck but I want to know when Star's Mewberty will be over so I have to. I get the book from under her bed, open it, and ask for Glossaryck

Marco: (sigh) Glossaryck

He floats up and ask what do I want

Glossaryck: what do you want?
Marco: it's Star; her Mewberty is back and I just want to know when will it end
Glossaryck: since it started earlier this time it'll end earlier
Marco: really? When will it end?
Glossaryck: either noon or 1pm maybe 12:30
Marco: ok good
Glossaryck: I'm going now bye
Marco: bye and thanks
Glossaryck: your welcome

He goes back in the book and stay with Star since she won't let me go

Star: I love you Marco
Marco: (smiles and chuckles) I love you too Star

I hug her and I start to think this won't be so bad then I try to get up

Star: Marco, are you leaving me?
Marco: no, I'm just getting up... My leg fell asleep
Star: ok and Marco, don't think I'll get crazy because of this I just want you to be with me but you can still do things and leave the room but just stay close, ok?
Marco: ok and good to know and I'll just test it to make sure
Star: how?
Marco: I'm going to get dressed and you should too
Star: ok (cramp) ow!
Marco: cramp?
Star: yeah it hurt
Marco: it's ok

I feel bad leaving her that but I'm testing it so I got to follow though. After I get dressed I go back to Star when I walk into her room and good thing is she's dressed but bad news. She's holding her stomach in pain, cured in a ball, lieing on her bed, with tears running down her face. Then she saids my name in a weak, in pain, like her heart is broken voice.

Star: Marco?
Marco: Star!

I run to her, hug her tight but not too tight, and ask what's wrong

Marco: Star, what wrong?
Star: the..cramps..they..hurt..bad
Marco: i know it hurts but it's ok
Star: you sure?
Marco: yeah
Star: (cramp) ow! when will this end?!
Marco: it's 11:59 now so maybe if it ends at 12 and you might have one minute left
Star: hopefully

~one minute later~

Star: OW!

The cramps got worse! They hurt so bad and they are more frequent! Oh god help me please it hurts so much. Marco hugs me tight but not and that helps with the pain because it helps that he's here comforting me in my time of need. Then Marco tells me something that might be true but I don't know

Marco: Star, it's 12:29
Star: yay hopefully I won't be in pain anymore
Marco: hopefully

~one minute later~

Star: OWWWWW!!!!
Marco: what happened?!
Marco: why?!?!
Star: I don't know! (Cramp) OWWWW!

~59 minutes later~

Marco: Star, this is the last chance for your Mewberty to end
Star: (gasp) Marco, I can't handle the pain....
Marco: it's ok Star, your fine

~one minute later~

Star: yay! I'm back to normal!
Marco: thank god! I couldn't take that you were in that much pain!
Star: I felt really bad then but now I'm fine
Marco: good

We hug, kiss, and finally have breakfast because we are staving

Hey, good one right? Anyway until next time Keep Calm and Read On

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