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This is the last chapter of the main story but don't forget there will be Starco one-shots so enjoy
~The Next Morning~
Oh god my neck is so sore and my leg fell asleep from both my legs being under Star's body but only one fell asleep. Then as I move my leg I feel pins and needles I softy yell out in pain and that wakes up Star with a sleepy/worried face. Then she asks if I'm ok in a sleepy voice

Star: Marco, are you ok?!
Marco: yeah just my leg fell asleep while you were laying on it
Star: sorry
Marco: it's cool it just hurts
Star: maybe I can help

She starts to rub my leg and it starts to wake up after it's fully awake I kiss her to thank her for waking up my leg. After the kiss our faces stayed close

Marco: thanks for waking up my leg
Star: no problem thanks for that kiss
Marco: your welcome
Star: so what now?
Marco: breakfast?
Star: yeah
Marco: like what?
Star: cereal?
Marco: sure
Star: but first let's get changed
Marco: ok

When I go up to my room to change I feel happy and bubbly remembering last night and the fact that I have a boyfriend now. After I get dressed, blush my teeth and hair, I go down stairs to find cereal all over the floor and Marco lieing on the floor.

Star: Marco, what happened?
Marco: I was on a chair trying to get the cereal and I fell off
Star: are you ok?!
Marco: yeah I'm fine and I mean that
Star: ok good

I was really worried for Marco thinking he was hurt then he gets up and I hug him

Marco: Star, I'm fine don't worry
Star: I know I just want to make sure
Marco: ok

He hugs back and after I let go we clean up the cereal and we have muffins instead of cereal. After breakfast we watch more movies and we do that for the rest of the day along with hugging and kissing

I know not much romantics in the last chapter before the one-shots but it did have some so don't complain. For now Keep Calm and Read On

Starco: Star's First HalloweenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ