One-shot #6

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Hey guys, I know it's really late but inspiration so enjoy this and trust me you're going to love it

Black Friday Shopping

I'm currently looking through a Macy's flyer for all the good stuff they have on sale. But the weird thing is that all the flyers I look thought say to come at 6 am or earlier. I'll ask Marco why later.

I'm walking down stairs when I see Star sitting at the table and a Black Friday flyer in her hands. Oh god no. I go over to her and ask her what's she doing

Marco: Star! What are you doing?!
Star: looking through Macy's flyer
Marco: don't Star trust me
Star: why? What is this all about?
Marco: that's a Black Friday shopping flyer
Star: what's Black Friday?
Marco: Black Friday is were all the stores put all their stuff on sale for Christmas and a lot of people go shopping but it's dangerous
Star: why dangerous?
Marco: your lucky to get ANYTHING from ANYWHERE because of all the craziness
Star: really?
Marco: yeah and some people even died because of it
Star: died?!
Marco: yup
Star: that is dangerous
Marco: yeah
Star: why do people still go?!
Marco: they're willing to take the risk
Star: this is scary Marco
Marco: I know and I'm sorry I scared you
Star: it's ok but Marco
Marco: yeah
Star: I think I want to go
Marco: why?!
Star: because I can get awesome gifts for you and your parents
Marco: true but I don't want you to get hurt
Star: Marco, I'm 14; I can handle dangerous
Marco: (chuckles) true but Star
Star: yeah
Marco: I'm going with you
Star: why?
Marco: because I'm going to get awesome gifts for you and my parents
Star: ok

I can't believe I'm going Black Friday shopping with Star but I'm doing it so I can keep Star safe and get gifts for her and my parents. I just hope we survive

I make a list of things to get because I looked up how to survive Black Friday and making a list was one of the things to help me survive. Since I know Marco and his parents I know what to get them so I'll be done fast.

I'm debating on whether I should make a list of what I should get because a list can be helpful but I don't think I'm going to make one. I'll wing it and like what's the worst that can happen.

5 in the morning

Well I'm help and ready and I'm waiting for Star to get down there. When she finally come down she has a small backpack.

Marco: Star, why the backpack?
Star: I'm prepared
Marco: ok cool lets go

I have my game plan, my list, water, and shacks so I'm ready for Black Friday shopping. I just hope Marco is... I think I'm going to give him a kiss for luck because kisses can give luck when you need it. So I kiss him for a minute and just hug him. When he asks why I did that I just tell him good luck

Marco: why did you kiss me?
Star: good luck
Marco: why?
Star: I don't want to lose a boyfriend today
Marco: you won't lose me
Star: you never know
Marco: true good luck I don't want to lose a girlfriend today either

After the hug we Ho Black Friday shopping

8 am in the morning

I'm crying because I almost lost Marco. He was being trampled by like 50 people and he got a little hurt but he would of got more hurt if I didn't save him. I'm currently hugging him tight and I'm not leaving his side for awhile because I almost lost my first boyfriend.

Star: Marco
Marco: yeah
Star: I love you
Marco: I love you too
Star: I almost lost you
Marco: I know and it was because I didn't prepare like you did
Star: never mind that now let just cuddle

I  bury my face into Marco's side and hug tighter then he hugs me back and kinda like cradle's me. Because after I saved Marco I cried violently into him and hugged him really tight never wanting to let go. I still never want to let him go he's my first boyfriend and I don't want to let him go after that

I feel terrible and stupid because I didn't prepare, I got trampled, and I scared Star to death. Star was a mess after she saved me she cried violently into me and hugged me really tight. All I could do then was comfort her and get out of there. I hope we never do that again because that was very dangerous. But I have to make Star feel better because she's a mess after almost losing her first boyfriend so I sing her favorite song.

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a foot print to be seen
A kingdom of isolation and looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in
Don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal don't feel
Don't let them know
Well now they know
Let it go! Let it go!
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go! Let it go!
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bordered me anyway
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
Tests the limits and break though
No right no wrong no rules for me
I'm Free!
Let it go! Let it go!
I'm one with the wind and sky
Let it go! Let it go!
I'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I stay
Let the storm rage on
My power flawers though the air and to the ground
My soul is spyering in frozen frctells all around
I'm one thought that creaslizsls like an icey blast
I'm never going back the past is in the past!
Let it go! Let it go!
When I rate it will be the break of dawn
Let it go! Let it go!
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on!
The cold never boreded me away

When I finish the song I see Star looking at me with a smile on her face

Star: Marco, you know just how to make me feel better
Marco: I do
Star: your the best boyfriend ever
Marco: thanks

We kiss and after the kiss Star continues hugging me but I know she feels better because the hug better

It's 2:28 am and today is Black Friday so your planning on going please be careful. Keep Calm and Read On

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