Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 2

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You stood on a world unknown to you. "Where are we?" You asked. "We're at another world....I'm not sure what it's called...I haven't been here before, How about you demyx?" Roxas said. Demyx shook his head. 'Great, now only are we on another world, we have no idea who lives here and if they're dangerous' You thought.

"RYOKA!" Someone cried out. You saw someone in strange black outfits pointing at you. 'What's ryoka mean?" You asked. and roxas and demyx looked puzzled. Suddenly, millions of other guys with black outfits starting running at you with swords. Roxas grabbed your hand and pulled you along while running.

"What are we doing!!!" You screamed. "I don't know!!! Trying to get away!!!" Roxas screamed back at you. Just then you and him fell down by running into someone. He had white long hair and looked rather kind. He also had a black outfit on, but also had a white piece over it. "Oh, I'm sorry, Who are you kids?" He asked, looking down at you and Roxas. Demyx caught up with you panting. He was holding his sitar, probably trying to hold the guys off while running again.

"Captain! You caught them!! Hooray for the Captain!" were the random shouts you heard behind you as those guys finally reached you. "Caught? Did they do something wrong?" The captain asked, puzzled. "They're Ryoka, captain, we spotted them in the Soul Society wearing those black cloaks" One random guy said.

"Please, sir, we aren't dangerous if that's what your people are suggesting" Roxas said, bravely. "We're only here because....we come from another world to protect Megumi, our Princess" He said. 'What?! I'm a princess, who do they know that? I know i'm royal, but still I didn't think I was a princess....' You thought surprised. "Princess?" The captain spoke.

He thought about something in his head. "Please come with me!" He said, happily. He turned around and you began following him slowly, with Roxas and Demyx, who had put his Sitar away. The Captain lead you to a place where there was a door with a single line in the middle of a sideways diamond.

"This is where Captain-Commander Yamamoto is" The captain spoke. 'Another captain? How many captains are in this world?' You thought. He opened the door and walked inside with you. "Head-Captain, We have stranger Visitors who claim they come from another world" The captain began.

"What do you mean another world?" Yamamoto, who was a really old man with a white long beard, asked. "I'm not sure, sir, maybe you should ask them" The captain answered looking over to you. "Well? What do you mean?" Yamamoto said, looking at you. Roxas shielded you from his glare. "Please, sir" Roxas bowed. "We come from a world which we call 'The World that never was'. It's actually in a different universe, where no one here can get to it" Roxas explained.

"Then how did you get here then?" Yamamoto questioned. "We are Nobodies. All nobodies, except Megumi here, can make Portals that lead directly to another world. We are only here to make sure that Megumi is protected. She's our princess and the only heir to take over if Xemnas, our leader, dies or is unable to lead. Marluxia, the 12th ranked member of our group, betrayed us and sought out to overthrow Xemnas. We where ordered by Xemnas to take Megumi away so he and the others could solve the problem while Megumi does not get harmed in anyway" Roxas explained.

Yamamoto stayed silent for a long time. "What should we do Head captain?" The long white haired captain asked. "Hmmm....Does this Marluxia know that you left your world and entered ours?" Yamamoto asked. "No, sir, we made sure that we weren't followed and there's no way for a Nobodies portal to tell where it lead to" Demyx said, speaking up.

"Very well then. I'll let only Megumi stay, she'll be protected by one of my squads" Yamamoto said. "Is it possible that we could check up on her at anytime?" Roxas asked. "Indeed, you may. But you cannot stay I don't want this Marluxia spotting you here, that will make him realize that she is here and start a riot in the Soul Society that we cannot have!" Yamamoto said. "Yes, Sir" Roxas said, bowing. Demyx bowed too.

"Ukitake, Report that there's supposed to be a meeting with All captains and Lieutenants right away" Yamamoto stated getting up out of his seat. "Yes, Sir" Ukitake said and suddenly you saw him with a black butterfly. 'This place is so....Bizarre' You thought.

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