Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 14

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*Megumi's P.O.V*

The next day, Axel came back to your room with your breakfast tray. "Here you go, Princess" He said, handing you the tray. You kept your arms where they were, crossed against your chest. "I'm not hungry" You stated, not looking up at him. Axel sighed. "Princess..." He started. He put the tray down on the night stand next to your bed. "You must eat. Today's a big day" He said. "Why? What's happening today?" You asked, quickly. "Today, you have a dinner with Marluxia" Axel said. "Dinner? With Marluxia?" You questioned, scared as you his name. "Yea. I know what's next....You don't wanna go....blah blah blah....You love that Soul Reaper lieutenant..blah blah blah...You wanna go back....blah blah blah....Then I walk out and you slam the door and pout until I have to get you dressed up, right?" Axel said sarcastically.

You half-smiled at this comment. "No. I'm not going to yell at you or slam the door. It's not your fault that this is happening. But how do you know that Marluxia still won't kill me?" You asked. "Xemnas put a curse on Marluxia. If anything should happen to you, then Marluxia dies" Axel said. "Wait, what? You mean anything? I break my knee and he dies?" You asked, trying to get everything straight. "Well, no that's not how that curse works. Your life has to be put in danger for him to die. For example, You getting stabbed or shot in area where it may or may not be fatal. His life is tied with yours basically. Xemnas put the curse on him before deciding to marry you both. He said that by marrying you and Marluxia together, not only unites Castle Oblivion and us, but makes it so that Marluxia must protect you." Axel said, looking over at you.

"Oh. I kind of understand now...." You said, trailing off into your thoughts. "I know you miss that Soul Reaper, but realistically you would have never met him, if this never happened." Axel said. "Yea, I know that. But I don't care....I still love Hisagi" You said. "You never make my life easy, do you?" Axel said, shaking his head. You smiled. "May I go back one more time....before my wedding?" You asked. Axel looked at you for a long time, thinking. "Maybe...I'll continue to think about it" Axel said. "For now, just eat your breakfast and by lunch time we'll fit you into your clothes to prepare for dinner" He walked out of your room and quietly shut your door. You sighed. You wondered to yourself what Hisagi was doing, what he was thinking, right at this moment....

*Hisagi's P.O.V*

You replayed every memory, every moment with Megumi inside your head. Even though your captain told you to forget about her, you couldn't. Instead, you'd make it your secret personal mission to discover who took Megumi back and to somehow get her back to the Soul Society. 'Megumi, Even if you are married right now....I'll still come to get you! I'm not giving up on you now!' You thought. You reread the mysterious note a couple times too. "Let's see when she got here....She was very close to Captain ukitake...I remember her saying she saw his past one time. In fact, it was Ukitake that found her and took her to the Captain-Commander....Although did ukitake know about our relationship, but then again why would he write this note?" You said quietly to yourself.

There was a knock on your door. "Come in" You said, still looking at the note. Your captain walked in. "Shuhei, are you still thinking about the princess?" Tosen asked. "I'm just reading the note again, sir. I know you told me I should forget her, but I can't. I've tried but I can't. I'm in love with her, sir" You said. "Hmm. I'm sorry to hear that, Shuhei" He said, before walking out again. 'What was supposed to mean? 'I'm sorry to hear that' ' You thought. Then suddenly, your eyes widened. 'Is my captain responsible for this?' You thought. You looked back and remembered the time where Megumi hid in the closet. He heard about you and a girl sneaking away from your guard duty that one night. Also, you seem to recall how your captain and Aizen always seemed to bump into Megumi and how she was nervous about it.

'Also before Aizen's death, My captain always seemed to go over to the 5th squad....Hmmm' You thought. You decided to decided to drop by the 5th squad to see if you could find anything connecting your captain to the note. Momo wouldn't be there since she was locked in jail for going nuts when Aizen was discovered. You looked around Aizen's room. 'Maybe something will be hidden among his things' You thought, quietly looking through drawers. "My, My, Look who turned out to be a bit too nosy" You heard a voice in the dark corner of the room. "Who's there?" You questioned, grabbing the hilt of your Zanpaku-to. "Ooo and he's violent too" Said the voice.
"Come out! Show yourself!" You said. The figure stepped out into the light and you gasped.

*Megumi's P.O.V*

You were getting dressed in a beautiful pink, flowery dress. Axel was looking at your reflection in the mirror. "I don't know...I think it looks nice on you" He said. "Axel, please, Pink is not my color" You said, arms crossed. Axel went over to your closet and pulled out two other pink dresses. "Explain these then" He said, grinning. You blushed. "I meant this Pink! This is the same shade as Marluxia's weird hair! and why are their pink petals on this dress?" You whined. "You come on, Princess, Marluxia picked this out himself...He wanted to see how it would look on you..." Axel said. "Great, now my killer is making dresses for me." You said. "He's not going to kill you" Axel reminded you. "Doesn't excuse him for the fact he was going to kill me" You said. "True as that is, you need to give him a chance. You are marrying him after all" He said.

Just then a pain jolted up your back. 'A vision!' You thought quickly. The vision engulfed you. You didn't know where you were, but it didn't matter anyways. You saw Hisagi fighting off someone that your couldn't see behind the darkness "I thought you were dead!" Hisagi shouted. "I am to the rest of the Soul Society." said a voice that sounded just like Aizen's. Then quickly out of no where, Hisagi fell down. Someone from behind had stabbed him and he was bleeding. The vision cut off there. "Oh No!" You shouted. "What is it, princess?" Axel said, alarmed. It seemed he didn't notice you blacking out on him. "I desperately need to go back to the Soul Society! Please Axel! If I don't, Hisagi will die! Please, I let me help him out! I don't want him to die" You begged panicking.

Axel sighed. "Alright, Fine. We'll go a help him and then you can say your final good-byes and then we're leaving...." He said, making a portal. "Oh, thank you, Axel!" You said, running into the portal quickly.

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