Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 15

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*Megumi's P.O.V*

You ran out of the portal and into the Soul Society. You noticed it was night time. You looked around and saw you were near the 9th squad barracks. 'Good I don't have to walk far' You thought. You bursted through Hisagi's door into his room. "Hisagi!" You shouted. Nothing, Just silence. You started to get scared. 'Where was he in that vision?' You thought. 'Aizen was in it, so 5th squad?' You thought. You raced out of the room. "Cry out, Suzumushi" You heard behind you. Quickly, you saw a glimpse of Tosen before a high-pitched tone knocking you unconscious.


You woke up chained to a wall. "Where am I?" You said, groggily. The room you were in was dark and was lit by a few torches pinned on the side walls. You saw the door in front of you in the huge room. Your hands were chained above you and even though you were standing, your feet was also in chains. You were all alone it seemed. Suddenly, the door locked and opened. Aizen's figure walked in. "Aizen! I knew all along that you weren't to be trusted! Let me go! Where's Hisagi?" You shouted at him. "Oh, you want to know what happened to your boyfriend?" He asked, calmly. "Yes! Of course! If you did anything to him, then I swear I'll kill you!" You shouted. "A princess that would kill in revenge? Never heard of that before" He chuckled. Just then, Gin and Tosen brought in a unconscious Hisagi and chained up besides you. "Hisagi!" You shouted. He didn't wake, instead his body just went limp. "I'm sure he can keep you company while we take over the Seireitei" Aizen said, walking out and then locking the door once more.

You filled with hate and rage has you thought of Aizen. You recalled all those horrible visions of him injuring Toshiro, Renji and other friends you made here. You looked over at Hisagi's body. "Please hisagi....wake up....please wake up" You cried. A couple moments later, you got your wish. Hisagi woke up, but he was very weak. "Me-Megumi?!" He exclaimed as loud as he could when he looked over and saw you. "Hisagi! Your awake! I'm so glad!" You said. "Were you here the whole time?" Hisagi asked, quietly and slowly. "No, but I saw you in trouble and came to help you" You said. "What? why did you come back here, Megumi...." Hisagi trailed off, wincing in pain. "Your hurt! You could die! I couldn't just stay away while you suffer!" You shouted at him. "But now..." he stopped, cringed in pain before continuing. "..You could get killed too" He took a deep breath.

"Hisagi, stop talking. You need your strength" You said, looking at him with a worried expression. "Don't worry about me...I can handle this...just a scratch" He said. "Um, try stab wound! Your bleeding, Hisagi. Pretty badly too!" You said, looking down at his blood sliding down his back and dripping onto the floor. Soon their was a small red puddle on the floor. "Don't worry, I've dealt with worse" Hisagi said. "Yea, maybe...but how many of those worse injuries have you dealt with untreated?" You asked. Hisagi was silent. "None...Captain Unohana always patched them up as quickly has possible" He said, defeated. "Yea. see? We need to get you to squad 4" You said, worried. "I'm fine, Megumi. Really I am" He said. "You sound horrible" You commented.

"I'm very glad to see you again" He said, ignoring your comments. "A minute ago you wished I wasn't here" You said. "Yea, that's because I care about you. Though despite that, I'm glad to see and talk to you. I've missed you so much" Hisagi said. "Yea...Me too" You blushed. "What happened to you anyways?" Hisagi asked. You filled him in. "Aizen, he threatened to kill you if I didn't go back home! He knew about my ability to see visions and didn't want me to ruin his plans" You said. "I would have said good-bye to you, but you weren't in your room. Apparently you were fighting a hollow in the Rukon Districts. Tosen, your captain was there....In fact, I believe he's the one who knocked me out and brought me here.....I remember seeing someone like him and hearing "Cry out, Suzumushi" before I went out....Is that him?" You asked.

"Yea, that's his sword. His Shikai can project a high-pitched tone that will make anyone in range unconscious....I'm sorry, Megumi" Hisagi said. "For what?" You asked. "I should have listened to you when you told me about your far it seems like they were true. I just can't believe my captain....My captain who stood for justice and wanted less bloodshed in the world...I just can't believe he's doing all this..." Hisagi said, sounding conflicted. "Hey. It's ok...I wouldn't have believed me either..." You said, trailing off. Hisagi looked depressed. "Hisagi? You ok?" You asked, but he remained silent. He didn't look at you, just stared at the floor. You looked at his stomach, yea, he was still what was wrong with him?

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