Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 5

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You woke up and cringed in pain once you opened your eyes. The dream about Hisagi haunted you. 'What's wrong with me?' You thought. "Oh, Princess, Your awake"

You looked over and saw Jushiro in the doorway. "I was just coming to check on you, seems I got here just in time" He came in and smiled at you. "Jushiro, Could you please call me by my name...Megumi?" You asked. "Well, Sure, Megumi, If that's what you want" He said, then he grew serious.

"How's your head?" He asked. "It hurts like hell....I don't know what's wrong" you said. Jushiro thought deeply for such a long time. "Do you want to call Captain Unohana?" He asked you. "I'm not sure....This could be just be a nobody condition, if so, she wouldn't be able to fix it" You said. Just then a strip of pain went through you, which forced you to close your eyes.

Instead of Hisagi, you saw Jushiro. It was night and he was fighting a yong man that was also wearing a Soul Repear uniform. There was something strange about him, though. There was orange around his eyes and his skin was a sickly green.

"I won't let you take Kaien's body!" Jushiro shouted, fiercly. Kaien? You heard that name before. You couldn't remember where though, for you concentrated on the dule in front of you.

"Don't you get it? My body and his are fused together! You can't save your Lieutenant from my control!" Kaien said, his voice low and echoing. "Then I'll have to kill you, you wicked hollow" Jushiro said, quickly slicing Kaien's waist. "But that'll kill your Lieutenant! You would really kill him to get him out of my control?!" Kaien gasped.

You knew that wasn't the real Kaien. He was possesed by something....some horrible creature. Before you could see the outcome, your body felt lce cold. You opened your eyes and saw Jushiro and two other people in the room.

The two, who you didn't recognize, were holding an empty bucket. Then you realized, you were wet with Ice water. "I awoke her, Captain, Sir!" One, who you realized was actually a woman, said. "What? No, I dumped more water on her so I woke her up!" The other, a guy, said. Soon the two were arguing unthil Jushiro reclunantly sighed and intervened.

"You both did very well, thank you" He said, smiling. "Thank you sir!" Both of them replied, bowing. Jushiro dismissed them and they left the room. "Those were my assigntents, Kiyone and Sentaro. I wrote about them in the letter I gave you last night" Then he leaned in and whispered "I told you they were a little crazy".

You smiled. Jushiro brought over a towel and an extra uniform from the closet. He left the room so could dry and change. You were staring at yourself in the mirror, wearing the Soul Reaper uniform. You held your old uniform, a black cloak, in your hand. Jushiro reentered and saw you looking at yourself. "You look fine in that outfit. If I didn't know any better, I'd believe that you were a real Soul Reaper" He said. You smiled. You knew he was saying that to make you feel better and it did.

"I wish I could talk with Axel about happening to me" You said, sighing. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's alright" He said. You sighed. "No, It's not" you said. You started telling him about the flashbacks you had. "It was so weird, It was like I was there, but I wasn't at the same time" You said. "I see....Are you sure your totally powerless?" Jushiro asked.

"Well, yea, I took millions of tests when I was youngere and they all came back negative" You said, shivering. Those tests weren't pleasant. "May I take you to Captain Kurosuchi's barracks?" Jushiro asked you. "What's he do?" You asked, nervously. "Oh, Don't worry, He's the captain of squad 12....and the Head of Research and Development" Jushiro said, taking over hand. That meant you had no choice. "Ok" You said. "The squad's not that far, but it may take awhile to get in, if Mayuri's busy" Jushiro said.

You stood with Jushiro in front of the entrance to the Research and Development building. "Now don't be afraid when you meet Mayuri, he is kind of Intimidating at first, but after awhile it'll be ok" Jushiro said, smiling. You entered the building, holding Jushiro's hand like a child would to his mother. You looked around and saw the most frighting things.

There were creatures, or maybe they were just things, in jars on shelves and there were pipes and wires everywhere. It looked like a haunted house inside here. "Helloooooooo, Who's here?" A raspy-whiny voice called out. "It's me, Captain Kurosuchi, and i'm with the new guest....Princess Megumi" Jushiro said.

"Oh, I see....Your kind is called a Nobody, correct?" He asked. You couldn't see him until he stepped out from the shadows. You almost screamed. Mayuri looked terrifying to you.

"Hello? I asked you a question!" He shouted you. You remembered the question and nodded slowly. "She's slow, isn't she?" He remarked. He walked down the few steps and stood in front of you, your eyes wide and scared. "She's sentitive and nervous all the time, by the look of it and....." Mayuri put his hand on your forehand. "....It seems she's going crazy" He finished. "Come with me!" He then pulled you away from Jushiro and straped you down on a hard, cold metal bed.

"What are you doing?" You asked. "I'm doing some tests on you. I was curious about you when you first arrived. Oh, if only you were to bump into me instead of Ukitake, I could have looked at you until you were nothing but ash, but it seems I have to make sure you live....How boring" He said, looking through a cupboard and connecting wires together. He was totally nuts!

"Captain please...Don't do anything too dangerous....I just want to find out if Megumi's problem is fixable" Jushiro said. "Yes, I Know...." Mayuri sighed. He put something that looked like headphones on your head. He went over to his computer and began typing. You were scared. "Don't worry. Since I'm here he won't do anything to harm you" Jushiro said. "Just relax" He added. 'Easy for him to say' you thought.

"AH! I see what's going on!" Mayuri shouted. He pushed a button and suddenly you began screaming in pain and closed your eyes. Mayuri appeared before you.....and there was someone else....with pink hair and glasses. They were fighting. "I'm the perfect being!" The pink hair being shouted. Suddenly, everything went black and you saw Hisagi again. He was depressed and he was in his room. Then everything changed again and went to Kaien with a sword through his chest and a woman holding him and crying in the rain, Jushiro standing near them.

Then a bolt of electricity went through you and woke you up. "OW!" You shouted. "Megumi! Are you ok? You scared us!" Jushiro asked, calming down. You assumed when you passed out that he was going crazy. "There I told you I'd get her back safely" Mayuri said, proudly.

"We've figured out the problem or really what been happening" Jushiro said, after Mayuri unhooked you from the metal bed. "What?" You asked. "You seem to have the ability to see the past and future" Jushiro said.

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