Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 17

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*Axel's P.O.V*

You laid there thinking about Hisagi. 'That boy's one hell of a handful' You kept thinking to yourself. Soon, Unohana stepped in. "Oh My! Where's Hisagi-San?" She asked, worried. "I suppose he left to go avenge Megumi" You answered. "Avenge Megumi? Who's he after?" She asked. You looked at her for a long time. "Listen, captain...I'm not allowed to meddle with this world's affairs....but I think if you really want to might want to go to that Central 46 place. That's all i'm saying...oh, wait, if you do might want to bring someone with you...just in case" You said. "I see. So I'll be leaving you now to get some rest. If you need anything, my 3rd seat, Yasochika, will take care of you" She said, walking gently out of the room. You smiled as you knew she was going to most likely get her lieutenant and find out the truth about what was happening. Your thoughts then went back to Hisagi. 'I hope he healed enough, it wouldn't do any good if he went into a fight already injured' You thought.

*Hisagi's P.O.V*

You were running on the roofs of the buildings. 'I need to find Aizen and make sure he pays!' You thought. Megumi's last words to you rang in your head. "I love you, Hisagi. I love you." Those words tortured you inside. 'I love you too, Megumi. I'll make sure those bastards are dead, for your sake' You thought. Then you stopped dead in your tracks. Aizen was standing there, waiting for you. "Aizen...." You muttered. "Hello, Hisagi. Surprised that it was so easy to find me?" He said, taunting you. "You'll regret deciding not to hide. As you may already know, Megumi is...." You couldn't even begin to say the word. "She's dead." Aizen finished for you. You stared at him with a cold glare. "Oh, Hisagi. Do you really believe that?" He asked. "What are you talking about?" You said. At that moment, a figure in a black cloak, similar to Axel's, appeared next to Aizen. "Who are you?!" You asked the stranger. "How rude. I only just got here. I wasn't expecting to be questioned the second I arrived" He said, in an elegant manner. He gracefully took his hood down, a couple of pink petals blew out of it as he did so. He had feminine features, like his pink wavy hair. "Now to answer your question, I'm Marluxia. Maybe you've heard of me from Megumi." He said.

"Marluxia...Your the one who Megumi was supposed to marry...and the one who tried to kill her...." You said. "Yes, your very clever and you have a sharp mind. Though not sharp enough..." Marluxia held out his hand and a circle of petals and darkness circled around and suddenly Megumi's body was under his hand. She had her eyes closed and was hovering a bit off the ground. "How dare you...." You started. "She's not dead...The Megumi that's under squad 4's care is a fraud. In fact, it's my sword." Aizen said. "It's ability is complete hypnosis. The Megumi that you thought I killed was just a copy that you misinterpreted. But She's the real one" He said, looking over at the hovering body. "... but if you don't believe us, We'll prove it" He said. Marluxia put his hand on Megumi's shoulder and she awoke with a gasping breath and fell to her knees. She looked up, eyes wide when they fell on you. "Hisagi! Hisagi!" She quickly got up and tried to run, but was stopped by Marluxia's scythe, which he put under her neck. "I wouldn't move if I were you, Princess" He said. grinning. "Marluxia, You do know what will happen to you if you kill me?" She said, coldly.

"That I'll die along with you? Yes, that's only if I kill you or if I didn't protect from something I could have saved you from. This is only a safety precaution. I don't want you getting hurt." He said, moving the blade closer to her neck. She scoffed and looked at you with worried eyes. "Let Megumi go now!" You shouted. "And you'll do what? You have no weapon and your still weak from failing to protect her last time" Marluxia commented. "Besides, I'm not going to harm my future wife. I promise." He added as he bent down and kissed her cheek. You grimaced seeing Marluxia lay his lips on Megumi's cheek, but you knew he only did that to provoke you so you moved your attention to Aizen again. "So, Aizen, why are you interested in Marluxia's plans?" You asked. "At first, I didn't find killing a mere princess that beneficial to me. But when he offered help in destroying the Seireitei, I agreed" Aizen chuckled. "What do plan on doing to the Soul Society?" You asked "I want to create the Oken" Aizen said, nonchalantly . "What?!" You shouted. "Are you crazy? If you create that, the world will crumble away" You shouted.

 "What's Wrong? I don't understand" Megumi asked, still trapped behind the scythe. "He wants to kill the Spirit King. Without it, the world, not just the soul society, but every world will be destroyed. The Spirit king holds and binds everything together. It creates balance and harmony between the worlds. If that balance is lost, then everything will crumble. Chaos will abrupt and everything as we know it will be lost" You said. Megumi's eyes started filled with water. "Don't worry, you two won't be there to witness the destruction of the worlds" Aizen said, as he flash-stepped towards you. You fell backwards as he caught you off guard. You regained your posture and dodged a blow that was aimed at your waist. 'Damn! I wish I had my Zanpaku-to' You thought. You pointed your finger at Aizen. "Hado Number 4 Byakurai!" You recited as a highly powerful lighting bolt from your index finger. Aizen dodged it with ease and flash-stepped out of sight.

"Hisagi!" Megumi cried out as she grabbed your arm. You looked around and noticed both Aizen and Marluxia had left the area. "Where'd they go?" You asked out loud. "I don't know" She answered. "We're going to go after them, right?" She asked. "I am. I want you to stay safe. Go to Squad 4." You said. "But I can't just wait while you..." She whined, but you put a hand on her shoulder. "Megumi, I know you want to come, but it's too dangerous." You said, trying to make her understand. "But..." She started. "I can't bear to see them hurt you! Not for real!" You shouted, breaking down. "When I thought you were gone...I couldn't believe it....I didn't want to...I'm just so relieved that your still here...I don't want to lost you. I'm going to take you back to Axel and then I'll go and find Aizen" You told her. She nodded, accepting your decision.

*Megumi's P.O.V*

You ran next to Hisagi as he guided you to the Squad 4 barracks. Just then something inside of you felt...odd. You took hold of where your heart would be and fell to your knees. Hisagi stopped in his tracks and hurried over to you. "Megumi? What's wrong?" He asked, worried. "I don't..." You managed to say before you blacked out.

*Hisagi's P.O.V*

You caught Megumi's body as it fell. It felt limb. "Megumi?" You said. "Don't worry she's not dead" You heard a familiar voice. You looked up and saw Axel. "Axel, what's wrong with her?" You asked. "She's just very weak. I can tell. Nobodies don't have a lot of energy, especially young ones. When we use too much, we can potentially fade away and die." Axel said. "You fade away when you die?" You asked, puzzled. "Yes. I knew from the beginning that Megumi wasn't really dead. I just wanted Aizen to think he had us fooled." He said. "Why? Do you have any idea what I went through?!" You shouted angered. "Think. What would Aizen have done if  he knew we both knew she was still alive and he had her with him?" Axel asked. You thought, speechless. "He mostly likely would have kept her as a hostage and done who knows what with her. I didn't know that he'd just leave her alone like he did, but for whatever reason he did so, it's not good, but at least we can try and keep Megumi safe for a while longer" Axel answered. "Come on, we got to get inside. She needs all the rest that she can get right now" He said, turning around and headed towards back the way he came.

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