Roysl Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 9

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*Hisagi's P.O.V*

Rays of sunlight poured over your eyes and you opened them, almost blinding them. You quickly looked away and sat up. You felt someone besides you and looked down. It was Megumi and she looked so beautiful while asleep. You gazed at her peaceful state, amazed that a beauty like hers was laying in your bed besides you. Just then a tapping came from your door. Your head turned and your captain's silhouette appeared behind the the darken window. Your eyes widened. 'I can't let captain see Megumi in my bed! He'll probably kill me! Especially if he knows that I skipped guard duty last night!' You thought quickly.

You shook Megumi furiously. She awoke with a fright. "Shhh, my captain's outside that door" You whispered. "What do we do?" She whispered back, fear in her eyes. "Hide in the closet and if you can, hold your breath until I open the door again" You said. She nodded and that's when you quickly, but quietly rushed over to the closet and closed the door. You ran over to the main door and let in the captain. "Hello, Captain, Sir...Good Morning!" You exclaimed, happily. "Did you have a long night, Hisagi-san?" Tosen asked.

"Oh, yes, sir..." You said, with caution. "How was guard duty last night? Any problems?" Tosen asked, as he usually does. "The night passed without any problems, sir" You said, casually. "Oh..." Tosen said, his tone sounding puzzled. "What's wrong, sir?" You asked, nervous. "One of the squad members had told me that he saw a figure that looked like you leave your post with a girl....Is that true, lieutenant?" Your captain sound so serious. 'AW SHIT! What do I say?!' You thought quickly. Before you could open your mouth however, there was a loud thump inside your closet. 'Megumi! She must have fell...Damn, now what do I do?' You thought.

"Is there someone in your closet, Hisagi-san?" Tosen asked. "No! It must have been some old junk that I was sorting through last week...That's all" You said, smiling. It was true that you were cleaning out your closet, but of course work got in the way so you couldn't really start or finish....poor Megumi, she must be cramped up so much inside there. "Well...I must be off...I have work to do around 5th squad if you need me" Tosen said, leaving the room. Once you no longer felt his spiritual pressure, you went over and opened the closet.

Laying on the floor was Megumi. "Ow" She simply said. "You Ok?" You asked her. "Yea, though I hope this weird thing didn't cut me" She said, holding an old pair of broken visors that you didn't wear much anyways. "Oh, that's just an old visor that Renji got me for my birthday one year" You said, taking it and throwing back in your closet. You heard it clank as it fell back to the bottom of your junk pile. You helped Megumi up and out of the closet before closing the door. "Come on, let's go for a walk" You suggested. "Ok!" She said happily.

*Megumi's P.O.V*

You walked besides Hisagi down the street of the seireitei. You were in the shopping district, where soul reapers bought fancy goods. "Oooo, what's this?" You asked, holding up some weird object that had bunnies on it. "Oh, well their Gikon pills for soul reapers for when we go to the world of the living. We swallow them and then we're able to be like a regular human. They're good for not being sensed by hollows" Hisagi explained. " what's with the bunny?" You asked. "The Women of the soul society wanted it..." Hisagi said. "Hisagi-san! Hisagi-san!" Shouted some unknown person. He ran up to you and Hisagi, looking worried. "What's wrong, Daiki?" Hisagi asked.

"Its the Editing department! Come quickly!" He shouted. Soon you find yourself rushing to follow Hisagi. "Hisagi! Slow down!" You shouted. After a moment or two running, you followed Hisagi and Daiki inside the Editing department. "What's wrong?" Hisagi asked, walking in. "Hisagi-san! Thank goodness you arrived!" Cried many people as they saw him enter. Hisagi sighed. "Will someone answer my question?" He asked. "Oh, well...I'm sorry to announce this...but..." Said a nervous woman. "We're not going to make deadline" She said. "WHAT! How come?!" Hisagi cried. "Well, First Rangiku's photos aren't here yet. We've been calling her many times to get them delivered, but she's been avoiding the subject. Then the captain interview hasn't started because most of the captain's have been avoiding us looks like if we don't make deadline, it's going to be the end of the magazine!" She cried.

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