Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 3

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All the captains and lieutenants formed in the 1st squad's barracks. The lieutenants were standing behind their captain looking at you. You stood besides Roxas and Demyx nervously in front of the room.

"I formed this meeting to tell you about our new guest, Megumi, a princess from a different universe. She's here because on her world there was an attempt to assassinate her!" Captain Yamamoto declared.

"Excuse me, Captain Yamamoto, sir, what are we supposed to do about it?" A short woman with short blackish hair with two braids in a white cloth with golden rings on the end. "Captain Soifon, Her bodyguards only requested that she stay here until it was safe for her to return. Now I refused for the bodyguards to stay for the mere fact that it could risk the Soul Society to get mised up in this mess, but they are allowed to visit to check-up, the Soul Society will be the ones to guard her until she returns home" Yamamoto replied. There were gasps and many eye widened at the captain's orders.

"B-But Captain!--" Soifon protested. "It's final! I don't want to hear anymore discussion about the matter. Now's the time for a squad to take her in and let her stay there to rest".

No one said anything, they all just looked at you, disapprovely, especially soifon. Until. "Um, Captain may she stay with us?" Another captain asked. He was a tall dark haired man with dark skin. He also wore his hair in braids and had clear goggles over his eyes and an orange scarf.

"Captain Tosen? You want to take special take of the princess?" The captain-Commander asked. "Yes, We have plently of room and my Lieutenant has enough time to make sure she's comftable" Tosen said. You looked away from Tosen and looked at his lieutenant behind him.

His eyes had widened when his captain had mentioned him. He's expression showed that he wished to protest, but couldn't without arguing and causing a scene. Appearance wise, he was decent-looking. You saw a tattoo of the number 69 and a gray-blue line across his cheek. He dressed like punk rocker.

"Very well then. Squad 9 is where the Princess will stay. Dismissed" Yamamoto declared the meeting over and some captains and lieutenants stayed to meet you. Roxas and Demyx hugged you and wished you the best for luck before returning home to help Axel and the others.

You felt so scared being here alone. It felt like the first day of school, except you couldn't be invisible. You walked over to Captain Tosen and his lieutenant slowly. "Hello Princess, welcome to the Soul Society" He said calmly. "Um, Hi" You said, you were so scared.

"Don't be afraid of us. Squad 9 is a peaceful squad, we believe in justice and peace" Tosen said, and gave you a small smile. "Shuhei say your welcomes to the princess" Tosen said looking over at his lieutenant. "Oh, Hello" Shuhei said, turning his head towards you. Then you notices the scars on the other side of his face. You accidently let out gasp.

"It's ok....I've had worse reactions before" He said, before walking away. "No....wait! I'm sorry, I didn't know!" You said quickly. "It's ok, don't worry, he'll calm down in a little while" Tosen said, calming you down. He took your hand and lead you the way to the barracks and your room.

Your room was decent sized and had a bed and a dresser with a mirror above it. You had two windows that had a beautiful view of a white tower. "That tower is where crimnals wait to be executed, we call it senzaikyu or the 'Palace of remorseful sin'" Tosen informed you.

You looked at it. It looked so pretty to be a place for criminals. "Thank you for taking me in and giving me a place to stay, captain tosen" You said, bowing. You had to show some respect to him. "Your welcome. I'll be over at 7th squad's barracks, if you need me ask Shuhei. His room is across the hall from yours" He told you before leaving.

"Thanks again" You said. You around thinking. 'So this is my temporary home' you thought. 'Maybe I should see if Shuhei's alright from earlier' You thought walking up the hallway. You saw his room, the number 69 hanging from a nail on the door. It was open a little and you peeked in to crack.

You saw Shuhei and his bed against the wall. He held in his arms a guitar. He was looking out the window besides him at the moment, probably in a deep thought or daydream. You leaned in closer at him, until you fell in. The door slammed against the wall and you crashed inside the room. Shuhei quickly his head over in surprise and looked down at you.

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