Royal Visions--Bleach/Kingdom Hearts Crossover--Chapter 10

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You forced your eyes to stay open as you waited for Captain Tosen and Captain Aizen. Before you knew it, They arrived. "Is she still conscious?" asked Captain Aizen. "Yes, but barely" Hisagi answered. You saw Aizen bend down and sat on the floor next to him. Hisagi gently moved you over towards Aizen so he could carry you. "What's going on?" You asked. "We're going to take you a resting place" Aizen said. "See ya soon, Megumi" Hisagi said. Aizen and Tosen left and used shunpo to get back to the squad 5 barracks faster.

Aizen carried you inside and laid you down in his bed. "I'll call Captain Ukitake later" He said, covering you. "Now get some rest" Aizen said, sweetly. He closed the curtains to block the sun and lit some dim candles before closing the door. You obeyed, but only because you were really tired. A white light blinded you and suddenly you saw frighting images again. Momo was hugging Captain Aizen and just like that Aizen's sword went through her. Then Hitsugaya arrived and was quickly cut down. Blood covered the ground. "Come Gin..." Aizen said as he walked off with Gin trailing behind.

Then another bright light and you saw Tosen in front Renji carrying a girl with black hair that you didn't recognize. Tosen transported them back to a hill where Aizen was waiting. "Drop Rukia and leave" Aizen said. Renji's expression was shocked. "Aizen?!?" Renji gasped. Suddenly, someone was shaking you. Your eyes opened and you saw Ukitake. "Hey! Your awake! Come on, let's get you back to your room" He said. "No, wait!" You said. "I have to tell you something important" You added. You spotted Aizen outside the door staring at you. His stare made you fall silent. "Yes, what is it?" Ukitake asked. "I have to see Hisagi now" You said. "Well, I don't know...Do you think you have the strength to visit him now?" He asked. "Yea" You said quickly getting out of bed on your own. "See?" You said, standing up like normal. "Well, ok, but quickly, I'll be waiting for you at the barracks" Ukitake said. You left the 5th squad and walked as fast as you could to 9th squad's barracks.

You went straight inside Hisagi's room without even knocking. He was sitting at his desk next to his bed and he turned and smiled when he saw you. "Megumi! I see you got fit fast" Hisagi said, happily. "Hisagi, I have to talk to you about something" You said quietly. "Why so quiet" Hisagi asked. "I don't want anyone to overhear....Now I recently found out a few days ago that I can see visions of the past, present, and future, but it justs happens randomly and when it does happen it hurts like hell and I normally pass out from the pain" You said. "So that's why you collapsed in the Editing Department" Hisagi said. "Yea, well, one of the visions that I keep seeing worries me" You said. "What is it?" He asked, walking over to you. "The visions normally have Aizen, Gin, and your captain doing horrible things like stabbing people and there's a lot of blood and then I see visions of you depressed's terrible" You said, covering your face with your hands.

"I bet those visions are just you being nervous being around them" Hisagi said. "No! They can happen even when I'm not around them at all! Besides I've in them more then once and each time they keep getting worse!" You said. "That's Nonsense! Captain Aizen is one of the most nicest captain of the 13 court guard squads. Captain Ichimaru, well, I can understand you being nervous about him...he does tend to make people feel funny, but don't worry you'll get used to him as time goes on and my captain is one of the most trustworthy captains ever" Hisagi explained. "But--!" You started. "Megumi! Listen to yourself! Do you honestly believe that Aizen, Gin, and My captain would do anything to harm anyone! Besides you don't even know them well enough to even judge them! Do you know what my captain stands for?" Hisagi asked, loudly. You shook your head. "See? You don't know. Captain Tosen stands for justice and peace. That's why he fights and protects people. I'm sorry to say that your visions are crazy and false" Hisagi said. He went back over to his desk and sat down again. He sighed.

You walked slowly over to him. "I'm sorry, Megumi....I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. I know your scared and new to the Soul Society so you don't really know people here. I'm just suggesting that those visions you kept seeing is nothing more than yours fears about certain things and certain people. I bet they'll go away as you get to know them better" Hisagi said. He got up and hugged you. He kissed your forehead. "Can you stay here tonight?" He asked. "I don't know....Captain ukitake said he was waiting for me there" You said. "I'll send him a Hell Butterfly telling him that you accidentally fell asleep here and that your too tired to wake up and return to your room" He said. "Ok" You said. You watched him as he sent out a black butterfly outside and it flew away.

You laid down on his bed and covered up. Hisagi joined you after turning the lights out. Hisagi copulated with you that night, mainly to distract you from your frightful visions. He kissed you all over and it felt so wonderful. You joined in too by kissing him back and passionately moving your hands through his hair. You did it all night long and by the time you fell asleep the floor was covered with clothes.

*Mean while back in the World That Never Was*

Axel sat there on your bed, thinking. He turned to see Roxas and Demyx walk in. "I can't believe we have to do this" Roxas said. "Is there anyway to get Megumi out of this mess?" Demyx asked. "No, I'm afraid not. I talked with Xemnas and the arrangements have all been made. It seems that this is the only option to stop the attempts to end her life" Axel said, solemnly. "Prepare to leave tomorrow to tell her the news" Axel said. "Yes" Roxas and Demyx said in union.

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