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Rebel: look my little Rebellions, I'm sorry I haven't been updating this book or my other one...I am struggling with a problem caused by a member of my mom's family...I have been sexuality touched by about a week after my birthday my illegal immigrant uncle came to live with us. I didn't find out that he was illegal till about 2 weeks ago. I don't even think my family knows he was kicked out of America. He left the family about 16 years ago. About a month after he arrived I was home alone with him and my family was out of the city for the day. He tried to touch me and I wasn't paying attention because I was thinking of what to make for a friend of mine who birthday was coming up. So...It happened so fast...he was behind me and had his hands on my chest... My mother and Father didn't know at all what happened. I was to afraid to stop him and I was to afraid to even tell my family let alone anyone else. I thought that 'hey maybe he was drunk or something and didn't know what he was doing' but...I barely found out this morning that he touched my mentality ill sister Emily. I think he might have touched my sister Mylie as well.
....I don't think that I'm going to update for a while....please forgive me. This is RebelRoyale signing off...please all of you take care.

AoT Crack Time!!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum