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Rebel: Hey everyone this is a very important message. If you are able to read this message congrats you have been selected for a very important task. Now I know there are many other crack books out on Wattpad and I would like to thank you all for making this book have over 25k reads across the world! I highly suggest that you give yourselves a pat on the back and a good few minutes of reading yaoi. Now I would like to inform you all that I officially ran out of ideas for this book and if I can't not come up with any ideas by the end of the month...I will sadly have to put this book to rest and start a WHOLE new book from scratch...and yes that WHOLE new book is my other Anime Crack book and its found on my page. Now...I would like to thank you all who have followed me and voted on these chapters. It means so much for me to know my works were actually liked by someone besides myself. I have planned that if I am closing the chapters of this book I would love to dedicate a WHOLE chapter to everyone who helped make this book so popular. So your mission is to comment below and I will write down your names for the next chapter I will publish. Thank  you all my little Rebellions!

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