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Hey finally i write a new chapter. Take me two weeks but here it is. I hope you'll like it. Don't know if you saw but i started a new one, with Jean Eren and Twins OC.  And yeah shitty title because i'm out of idea.

Jean POV

So, i was going to Erwin's office. I ask him this afternoon if he had time today because i have some embarrassing question to ask him, about me and Eren, obviously. I knocked at the door.

« Yeaaah » I heard.

I opened the door for see, i think, the MOST awkward think in the world. Levi, chest on the desk, pants on his ankles. Erwin behind him, probably with his pants open, one hand one Levi's head and slamming into his ass. I stayed here like it seems to be hours, but it was probably only some seconds, because the moment Erwin turn his head i get out of the room, closing the door and laying against it. I stayed against the door, paralyzed, hearing Levi's loud moan and Erwin's thrust. Then i hear a last loud moan, belt and zipper noise, then footsteps. The doors open behind me, and i totally fall into Erwin. I jumped back, looking at my feet, playing awkwardly with my hands.

« So...so..so..rry »

« No it's.... my fault... bad timing and ... anyway come in »

I hesitate but finally come in. And i sit in the couch. I just can't look at him, or at the desk, the image of the two of them fucking still in my mind. Levi come out of the bathroom and give a kiss on Erwin's cheek.

« Have to go, paperwork to do, see you later »

« See you later »

Erwin smile at him and Levi leave the office. I still avoid Erwin's eyes.

« Jean i'm really sorry for that ....ahm what do you want to talk about? »

« You say that.... ah if i had any question about Eren or me ... i mean us .... our relationship and ahm, that i can ask you »

« Yeah you can, what's the problem? »

Geez how can he be so relaxed in a situation like this. I just saw him and Levi .... I shook my head, trying to erase this image of my mind. I'll never be able to ask my question. I squirm my hands on my lap, try to calm down and formulate my question, or rather exposing my problem, or .... i don't know really. Why i'm here, i should never come, i'm so stressed.

« We try ... hmm well i hurt him and ... i don't want to but i want to ... »

Erwin head up at his desk and open a drawer and then come back to his sit. I didn't look up, because i'm nervous and afraid. He hold me a bottle and some ... candy ?

« What's that ? and why did you give me sweets, i'm not twelve »

He laughs and put them on the table.

« That's cute, you're so innocente »

I didn't understand why he says that but i become totally red. Did i make a fool of myself in front of my superior, since the fact that i'm here is already weird.

« You » He tries his best to stop laughing « You, oh god.... well it can be candy but more like adult's candy »

I cocked an eyebrow.

« It's lube and condom » He said, trying to breath straight

Oh god, i widened my eyes. Geez i'm so stupid. I'm embarrassed as hell and i'm probably more red than the red itself by now.

« Did i need to explain you how to use it? » he asks in an amused tone

« No... no oh god no it's ok »

Where i get myself into, i'm so stupid, i look like a five years old child.

« You can take it, and go slow with him, one finger after another, and you can come ask if you need more »

Am i really talking about that with my superior. God i just want to die, or hide myself in a hole and never get out.

« Tha... thanks you i guess »

I take the "things" and put them in my pocket, no way i would walk in the hall with that in my hands. I get out of the office and i hear him launch me a "You're welcome" and then i head to my room.

Yeah, it's longer than i thought xD. BTW i hope you like how Erwin is, and how he laugh at Jean. Because i read to much fanfic with a Erwin that i just want to punch so hard in the face xD. (and if you read my other fanfic he his a bitch too)  but not here, because i have to calm my nerves against him. Don't forget to give me review, tips, comments, anything xD.

What if i care about horse face (boyXboy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin