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Me: I need to talk to you.

I sent my sister a text on the way to work this morning. As much as I want to keep the memories of Jane The Slutbag locked away, I need to know why the hell Chloe thought inviting her would be a good idea. As far as I know, she hasn't seen her since she found out about everything and I thought she wanted to keep it that way. As much as my sister hates my life choices, she was absolutely in my corner in this situation. My phone starts ringing and I answer without looking to see who it is.

"Why did you invite her?" I ask, probably too loudly.

"Emma." My sister says my name in a very dry tone.

"Seriously, why did you invite her?"

"Did you see her?" She asks.

Really? How the hell else would I know?

"Uh, yeah. Harry and I did last night." My irritation keeps growing by the second.

"You were with Harry last night?" I forgot the fact that I haven't spoken to her since she interrupted us in the park. My cheeks slightly flush, but I quickly push the thought away.

"Yes. Focus. Why did you invite her?" I hear a deep sigh on the other end of the phone.

"Emma, Jane was the one who got Ben and I together. It felt wrong not inviting her because none of this would be happening if she hadn't--"

"I don't give a fuck. She ruined my life!" I shout as people walking past me stop and give me strange looks. I don't care, though. I'm pissed and have every right to be.

"What do you want me to say, Em? I'm sorry. It's been so long I just...I don't know...thought you would've gotten over it."

She can't be serious right now.

"We were supposed to be getting married, Chloe. That's not something I can just get over, and I thought you understood that. Especially since you're about to get married yourself! I can't...you know what? I have to go." I quickly hang up before she digs herself deeper. Red covers my eyesight as I storm into my building, deciding to use the stairs instead of the elevator.


"That bitch!" Jeremy says, stirring his coffee. "Wait, you were engaged?"

"I don't want to talk about that." I say, waving my hand to change the subject.

"Girl, I let you sleep in my bed even after you threw up on my brand new Tom Ford's that night in New York. Our friendship is definitely 'I was once engaged' level." He says and I chuckle.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but you'll have to get me really drunk first." I wink. It's funny how I'm able to joke about it now. Actually, it's funny how I'm able to talk about it at all. It's almost like letting it all out to Harry last night made the whole thing not so bad. But, then again, being with Harry in general makes everything not so bad.

"Lucky for me, I've got department store shoes on." He says and I laugh.

"Hey, where's Ava?" I ask, scanning the office for any signs of her.

"Oh, she's on the fourth floor with Dave in accounting. They're 'working on something'." He says, winking and using air quotes.

I smile, partly because I'm excited for her and partly because I know they'll have something else to talk about other than me and Harry.


Every time I think about him, my heart flutters. I spin around to face my desk and grab my phone.

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