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If I can remember one thing that has mostly impacted my life, it's always been one thing:


The minor and major chords, the tempo, the time signature, the lyrics that described every outcast there was to live that were constantly forgotten, the melody that would always be stuck in my head at the end of the day, the music notes, the major and chromatic scales, the harmony sounding so beautiful it nearly always took your breath away, the treble and bass clefs that created the harmony. The memories that would always make you smile would be preserved forever. As long as the song was to be always there, the memories would always last forever.


My everything, my friend when nobody else bothered to comfort me, my parents when my real ones were too busy fighting to find out what happened on my bad days, my teachers when I made mistakes I couldn't forgive myself for or when I couldn't stop crying because I thought it had been the worst day in my life (and this happened quite often, more than the average person), my healers when the occasional emotional wound was cut too deep, my guards when I couldn't fend for myself.


The minute the melody flowed out of the stereo, your feet would start itching to tap your foot along. The catchy tune would float into your ears, register the lyrics in your brain, and as your mouth opened to sing your heart out, as your legs started itching to dance, as your limbs started acting out to pretend you were playing different instruments that you couldn't play for your life for, something inside you was aching to get out. You knew, that even if the situation you were in was wrong, music somehow managed to fix everything and make everything so... right. As soon as the song was over you craved for a repeat, until you were sick of the song, of course.


Pulling something outside of you. Your emotions. Happiness when your favorite song would burst out from the only stereo or radio that seemed ancient to you in your house. Sadness as your headphones played out ballads that described you and your situation perfectly. Annoyance as the same song played after every other song, and it was starting to get on your nerves. It let you feel something inside of you- until your parents walked in your room to call for dinner.


Connecting people. When you met someone who liked the same band as you, there was always that chance of the two becoming friends. Sometimes it didn't work out. And sometimes, it created enemies as well as friends. But music always managed to make girls act freakishly crazy as if there was no tomorrow (such as screaming, dancing really weirdly and more) while their boyfriends laugh and sing the wrong lyrics until the girls realized it to be so, and started yelling at the boys for messing up.


My everything.

I never thought music would lead me to the people who would impact my life forever. Maybe it was the universe, or fate. I'm saying this since I have no idea what your religion is, so I'll commonly say whatever spiritual religion you follow might be the cause of bringing the band together. One thing I do know, is that it was not a coincidence for us to know each other and be tangled with each other in the world of music.

While one day on tour, the crowd would go wild, we would know that our songs would be always stuck on replay.

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