Chapter 5

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Friday Afternoon.

As the bell went off, and the halls filled with chatter and noise, I walked to my locker to find another note from Harmony inside.

Don't meet at the band room, Klein told me he was tired of staying after school to watch over us. Meet me at my house. Address: 1452 1st Street. Cross street: Oak Street. And in case you've forgotten, we all live in Glennwood, Northern California.

Come ASAP, we need to talk about a few things.


"Her house?" I heard Kate's voice behind me. "But she's inviting Michael and James."

"Yeah, I know the way, walk with me once I put some stuff in here." I replied. I shoved everything in my backpack besides the stuff I needed for homework into my locker, then shut it and turned around to see her.

"Let's get out of here." Kate muttered, and we left the school in silence.

"Why Harmony's house?" Kate asked after a few moments in silence.

"She has a mini recording studio in her basement." I rolled my eyes. Kate stared at me. "Tribute for her Mom, she died in Iraq in battle. She loved music."

"Why a recording studio?" She asked.

"I don't know. Her brother is rich since he works as a doctor. He paid for the room. They both use it." I shrugged. "Here."

We stopped in front of a large tan colored house with burgundy trimming and a milk chocolate brown colored garage door.

"This, this is her house?" Kate stood with her jaw nearly dropped to the pavement and wide eyes the size of dinner platters.

"Yup." I replied as I walked up the walkway, then stopped and looked back at Kate. "You coming?"

"Y-Yeah..." She stuttered, and followed me. As we reached the front door, I opened my bag and looked around in it.

"I know my keys in here somewhere..." I murmured as I rummaged through the papers and my binder.

"You have a key. To here?" Kate stared at me.

"Of course I do, I practically live here." I replied, and felt the familiar metal on my finger tips, then grabbed the key out. "Found it." I smiled, then twisted the key into the door knob.

We walked in quietly. "HELLO?" I yelled into the house.

Harmony's dad walked out from the kitchen. "Mellie! Nice to see you again. I missed my girl!" He pulled me into a tight hug. I had been to Harmony's house so many times since the first time I met Harmony in kindergarten that Harmony's dad became the one I had never had, and I became a second daughter to him.

"Cameron!" I said. "This is Kate, my friend."

"Nice to meet you, Kate. Harmony's downstairs with Keegan." Harmony's dad shook hands with Kate, and gave her a warm smile.

"Oh, Cam, some guys are coming, is that okay?" I looked at him and gave him a convincing smile.

"Harmony told me already, it's alright." He smiled back at me. "Go downstairs, Harmony is getting impatient."

"See you Dad." I waved, and brought Kate down the stairs to the basement. Her mouth dropped again in awe. I could see why. One half of the basement had been remodeled into something that looked alike to a professional recording studio. There was a sound board below the glass soundproof wall. The door next to the sound board led to the studio with microphones, a band set and audio cords scattered on the floor. On the other half was a seating area with couches, a flat screen TV with video games below it and a mini fridge with a popcorn maker next to the TV. I had been in shock the first time I saw it after it was remodeled. Everyone had been.

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