Chapter 6

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When I started walking home after the insanely long meeting at Harmony's house (Deciding music genres we were going to play which took up loads of time because we couldn't agree on anything) my eyes widened. I was walking home right when the sun started to set. I was later than usual.

I started running and scary thoughts raced through my mind. What if Dad comes back and starts hurting the twins and Clara? What if he comes back drunk?

The minute I got home, Rachel twisted open the door, and led me up to the attic quietly. While we passed the living room, I heard glass being shattered, and some screaming. I tried to look at the scene in the living room, but Rachel pulled me away before I could get a close look at what was going on.

"What's going on?" I asked once we were up in the attic.

"Dad came home, he's drunk, he started hurting Mom. I'll lead you and the twins out from the back. Adam's trying to pull Dad off of Mom." Rachel said.

"But if we run away what about you and Adam?" I asked. "Where would we run away to?"

"To the Golds'. Mom had this planned with Mr. Gold for a long time." Rachel informed me. "Harmony doesn't know, don't worry. Adam and I will be safe, believe me. If you want yourself and the twins and C to be safe, you need to go, and hurry. Adam said he would try to make him stay down, but you need to hurry."

"Rachel!" I exclaimed. "What about all of our stuff?"

"Half of it was moved to the Golds' guest house. Or the Golds' attic. I don't know." Rachel shrugged. "Please. Its for the kids' safety."

"How will we get out?" I whispered.

Footsteps below got louder and louder.

"Down the ladder, out the window. It's dangerous, but there's more of a risk of you being hurt by Dad than you dying because of the ladder." Rachel laughed and shook her head. "You'll go down first, then the kids will."

"Okay." I looked out the window to see a rope ladder with wood steps. "We better go down." I walked to the open window and looked down. Only about 20 feet down, a foot per ladder ring.

I hopped out of the window and climbed down the ladder, my backpack still heavy on my shoulders. My feet reached the ground sooner than I thought.

"Send the kids down!" I yelled, and soon Clara had climbed down, and the twins did, with some whimpers of fear.

"Go." Rachel mouthed to me. "Run to the Golds, now, I can hear him coming up. GO!"

And the minute we ran out the backyard door, we fell into a sprint and ran until 7256 Downey Street was just a silhouette in the fading embers of the sky.


We reached the Golds' house in no time, panting as we reached the front door. Clara stumbled before she nearly collapsed in my arms. The twins, rang the doorbell and we stood on the front porch, trying to catch our breaths.

Mr. Gold answered the door quickly. "Come in, come in." He ushered us in, and brought us into the basement sitting area.

None of us had time to stare in awe at the house. We were all too scared.

"Who are you?" Clara blurted out. "Why are we here?"

"I'm Harmony's father, and one of your mother's friends." Mr. Gold explained. "You're here because this concerns your safety."

"Our safety?" Steven asked.

"It means whether you're going to be hurt or not." Mr. Gold nodded. "Your mother had this planned for quite a while."

"Really?" Aiden asked.

"Yes." Mr. Gold smiled warmly at them. "Have any of you had dinner?"

We all shook our heads. Aiden's stomach rumbled. "There's your answer." I laughed.

"Baked potatoes with cheese in them sound good?" He grinned. "The food is almost ready."

"Thanks!" Clara smiled.

"Mmmm." Steven moaned. "Food. I want food!"

"Steven, manners." I glared at him. "Sorry, they need to work on their manners."

"No worries, you and Harmony were like that when you were younger." Mr. Gold stood up, and motioned for us to follow him. He lead us to the back where the guest house was. It was a four room house, with an attic that was smaller than the kitchen at home.

"Mellie?" Clara tugged at the hem of my shirt. "Will this be our new home?"

"For a while, C." I replied distractedly. My own thoughts started to take up most of my focus and attention.

"Will we go back to our old house? What about Adam and Rachel?" She asked.

I didn't answer her.


Dinner was good, and the guest house had everything we needed; 3 bedrooms, and one bathroom. Our meals would be eaten in the main house, so we wouldn't get lonely.

As I tucked the kids into the bed, I sighed and hugged them a soft goodnight. They were asleep. At least, I thought they were, until Clara and the twins padded into my room quietly and asked me to sing.

"What are you doing awake?" I yawned. "It's late!"

"Sing!" They begged.

"Fine, let's go to Steven and Aiden's room." I sighed. The twins grabbed my hands, and Clara lead the way to their room.

Once Aiden and Steven were tucked in (again), I sat at the desk, trying to find a song that would make them fall asleep.

"Sing." Aiden yawned.

"Oh darling,

I know times are tough

You're trying to be strong, but you're

broken from love.

But you see,

We'll win this war someday

I'll heal the scars you earned yesterday,

I know it sounds crazy now,

But you gotta stay strong 'til the end,

You'll win with the help of friends." I sang quietly. The lyrics were made up on my own, and they had been in a song I had been working on for a little while.

The twins had drifted off, and Clara had fallen asleep in my lap. I picked her up, stood up, and carried her to her room and tucked her in.

As I lay in the new bed in the guest house, listening to the crickets that were chirping a song loudly outside, I realized something.

Even when my shadow had left me for dark, music was always going to help me in my darkest moments.

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