Chapter 13

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A week later, the school board still persisted on removing the music program, and more protests arose. None of us participated in it, but we signed petitions for protest if people asked us. Gigs were stronger than ever, but I had an uneasy feeling that the band was about to take an unexpected turn.

    Josh contacted us and we set up a meeting at Buzz Cafe on a sunny Thursday.

    "So you said you had some news?" Michael asked and raised his eyebrows. I glanced at Josh, then back down on my can of Sprite.

    "Yeah." Josh said, then pulled out an envelope from his backpack. "Under 21 wanted me to hand deliver this to you." He handed me the envelope, and I took glance at it, then decided to open the envelope. I pulled a letter out of the envelope and read it aloud.

    "Dear Melody, James, Harmony, Michael and Kate, we are pleased to inform you that you have caught the attention of City Star Records." I read aloud, and everyone gasped. "We are sending a representative in early June to watch you live at the teen club, Under 21. If he likes it, we will offer you a record deal here at City Star Records. Sincerely, Joan Martin."

    "Oh my gosh!" Kate gasped. "You know what this means? It means we might get a record deal, and we might get famous! We have a chance at Fame! This can be our big break!"

    Josh smiled. "I gave City Star Records a call and told them I knew a bunch of talented fourteen year olds. I sent a demo last month, and apparently, as it seems, they liked it."

    "You did that for us?" James asked quietly.

    "Right now, you're one of my favorite bands. I've already designed some merchandise. Just sketches though." Josh shrugged and pulled out a few sketches. The band design was simple: It was the play, forward, and back buttons you would find on a stereo. The buttons were black and the rest of the t-shirt was white. Beneath the buttons were the boldly printed words, Stuck On Replay.

    "Those are amazing. But, maybe later?" I shrugged. "I just think... I just think that it's all coming too soon. We don't even know if we have the deal."

    The others agreed.

    "We should practice, but thank you for the news." Harmony nodded.

    Josh grinned. "We'll be in contact, yes?"

    "Yes." James smiled back at the senior.

    We said our goodbyes and started our way to Harmony's house. We were all excited to practice with the new found exciting news fresh in our minds.

    And that's when everything turned awry.

    It all started with Michael messing up with the drum pattern for "Break Free".

    "Michael, you're getting the rhythm wrong!" Harmony whirled around and pointed at Michael rudely. Michael, with a burning fire of hatred in his eyes, aimed a drumstick at Harmony, as if he were to throw it at her.

    "You're the one that's off pitch! And it's throwing me off!" Michael shouted back at her.

    "Woah, woah, stop!" James yelled, and the two angrily glanced at him. "So Michael made a mistake, so what?"

    "So what? So what?" Harmony screeched at James. "I'll tell you what. We need to be perfect at this, every second of it, because we won't get a deal if this crap happens when the representative comes in June!"

    "But that's plenty of time!" James defended.

    "Yeah, that's months of time!" Kate intervened.

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