Chapter 2

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"Finished with introductions? Stellar." Mr. Klein smiled and clapped his hands. "Well, um, just talk to each other for a little while until I get the instruments set up, I still need to see if this will work out." Mr. Klein sprinted off and grabbed a ladder. How he was going to reach the electrics, no one knew.

We all kind of just sat there in silence while Mr. Klein set up the instruments. Kate pulled out a paperback book from her backpack and started reading it. James stared at the floor. Michael grabbed his drumsticks from his pocket and started to tap them. Harmony started humming quietly.

Zzt. Zzt. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I decided to ignore it, and started tapping my foot.

Klein paused during his work and glanced at us. He sighed, then walked over to filing cabinets where he grabbed some sheet music and returned to us.

"Since all of you obviously don't feel like talking, take a look at the sheet music. Who plays what instrument?" Mr. Klein asked, and filed through the different types of sheet music.

"Bass." Harmony beamed. I groaned, and she sent a glare in my direction.

"Piano. A little back up singing too." Kate replied shyly.

"Drums." Michael kept tapping his drumsticks together until Mr. Klein sent him a warning look. "Sorry."

"Electric." James half-smiled. It seemed that he was growing to like this club, though his smile was short lived as it quickly faded. He must have been mentally reminding himself that he didn't want to like this, but I knew he did.

"Melody sings!" Harmony exclaimed, and all eyes turned to me.

"No I don't." I shook my head. "I'm not even supposed to be here."

"Yes, you do." Harmony sent me a warning glare, similar to the one Klein had sent to Michael. "You have a beautiful voice, and you're going to be our lead singer."

I sighed. Harmony always felt the need to be in control. It was annoying at times, but that's what made her... well, her.

"Fine. I'm the lead singer." I looked at Mr. Klein, who had an amused expression on his face as if the argument was actually entertaining. Like I said before, he's just the definition of eccentric.

"Here we go!" He said cheerfully, and passed out the sheet music, then left to continue setting up the instruments.

"Must Get Out." Michael read aloud.

Kate, who had put her book down, looked at the sheet music. "By Maroon 5."

"What is this?" James asked.

"Sheet music, varsity jock." Harmony muttered. James shook his head, choosing to ignore the insult.

"No, I meant, what song is this? I've never heard of it." He glanced down at the lyrics.

"It's from the album, 'Songs About Jane'." I wanted to end the sentence with a snarky comment or a mean nickname, just to tick him off, but instead I bit my tongue, and swallowed the words back down.

"It's an old song, released sometime in 2008." Kate informed us. "My mom has the album, the song is really pretty."

"Well, at least it incorporates all of our instruments." Harmony tried to smile, but you could see it was hard for her to accept that Kate knew something she didn't.


Klein cleared his throat. "It's set up." We shifted in our seats and turned around. The first thing I noticed was 5 microphones at each position. The electric was on the left, and the bass was on the right.

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