Chapter 15

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A few days after Mom had talked to me, I finally got the courage to talk to them about it.

    I made a note and put it in all of their lockers when I went to the bathroom that day, so they wouldn't see me doing it.


    I know we haven't talked in weeks, but we need to. Meet me after school at 730 3rd St. That's where I live, no need to be scared.


    I went home immediately after school. Well, ran. I changed my clothes and stayed in the living room and paced, thinking about what I was going to say to them. Mom cleared all of my siblings out and took them out for ice cream. I was left, home alone, until the rest of the band arrived.

    I opened the door a few times for them, and once we were all in the living room, I started the meeting.

    "Okay, we need to talk." I started. "Obviously the fight all hit us hard."

    "It did." Kate nodded. "I hated it. I was so mad at you all but once I said those things... you guys are my only friends and I was so shocked that I said that."

    "I just think maybe... We should get to know each other better. I mean, I only really know Harmony. Just like, one secret each time we go around. Bonding, sort of." I shrugged. "We only have to do it one time if you want."

    "Okay... I'll start first." Harmony sighed. "I've been bossy because I'm basically playing the role of my mom and me, so I have to watch and help my dad and grow up ever since my mom died in combat."

    "I'm sorry... I didn't know..." Michael whispered quietly.

    "I'll go next. I acted like a jerk when I first joined Band Club because I thought it would bring down my popularity. Pretty stupid, right?" James grinned half heartedly.

    "Third." Kate waved her hand. "I act so moody because I used to bully a lot of kids at my old school. I regret it so so much."

    "Fourth." Michael smiled wryly. "This is hard for me. But I know you guys will support me through thick and thin, right?"

    We all nodded and he continued. "Well, I came out to my parents a while ago. I'm bisexual." Michael breathed out. "I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you'd treat me differently. I'm still me, but you know a secret I've kept for years."

    "So that's why you volunteered to be a girl for halloween once." James chuckled. "No, dude, I won't treat you differently. But the fact that you might like me just creeps me out a bit."

    "Shut up." Michael punched James in the shoulder lightly. "No way will I ever look at you like that."

    "Good. Does this mean you're planning my wedding?" Harmony asked jokingly.

    "Hey, I'm not gay. Yet." Michael grinned.

    "Wait, Melody still has to go." James shifted his focus to me.

    "The reason I always never talked much before the band was-"

    The front door slammed open and in walked Rachel. Her eyes widened, and her arm was still in a cast.

    "Sorry, were you in the middle of-... you can tell them, Mellie." She replied, winking before she went into the kitchen.

    "Anyways, the reason why I didn't talk much and was always distant around you guys is that... Well... My father abused my family and I. He would yell at us, give us cuts and bruises, and he almost killed my mother." I looked down at the floor, tears in my eyes that felt as if they were to fall out sometime soon.

    "Melody, I had no idea I'm so sorry. And I thought I had it hard." Harmony walked over to me and gave me a giant hug. The others did so too, and one by one, they hugged me.

    James' hug was the warmest, and it felt like he was holding on for what seemed as an eternity. "He's getting a trial in April." I mentioned.

    "We'll be there." Michael said reassuringly. "Even if I have to crack all of my idiotic puns the whole bus ride to court to cheer you up."

    "Thanks." I muttered softly, then looked up at them, wiping my tears away with my hands.

    "Aww, don't cry." Kate hugged me. "Your family will get justice, I promise."

    "My dad's a lawyer who's won a lot of cases." James offered. "I can ask him to represent you at the lawsuit."

    "Thanks." I murmured again. "I missed you all."

    "We should make an agreement." Harmony suggested.

    "Yeah." Kate agreed.

    "Like an agreement saying, that when something is wrong, we'll call one of us here and we'll talk about it for a while. And when someone is being annoying, we tell them." James suggested.

    "Let me grab some paper." I grinned, then ran upstairs. This was going to be good.


    A few hours later, we finally came up with an agreement that we all had to sign. We all had the plan to eventually put it in a frame and hang it in Harmony's music recording studio, but not now.

    I (Insert band member name) will always be loyal to Stuck On Replay until we may find the time where we must break up for a good reason (A fight does not count). Should I be upset I shall call one of my band mates and tell them about it until I feel better again. Should I find one of my bandmates being annoying, I will tell them. I will come to all practices (unless I am sick) and treat them better than I have before. I will work hard and always be prepared to preform.


    Harmony Michael

    Melody James


    We signed the agreement carefully and read it aloud to each other. We exchanged phone numbers (For some reason we hadn't done that until now) and said our goodbyes after we were done.

    James stayed a little while after. "Hey... I was wondering, could I talk to your mom? We could get both parents on the phone and talk about the lawsuit tonight. And maybe sometime, you'd like to go out on a date with me."


    "Yeah, again." He stepped toward me. "I really like you Mel."

    I blushed, since it was his special nickname for me. "I'd really like to." I nodded. "Can we get your dad on the phone?"

    For a while, Mom and James' dad talked about the lawsuit, then exchanged phone numbers (while on the phone) and then James had to go back home.

    "See you, Mel." James waved as he walked down to the sidewalk.

    "You really like him, and he's a nice guy. But if he breaks your heart, he's getting a twisted ankle." Adam said as he closed the door after James.

    "He's not going to hurt me Adam." I laughed. "I know he won't."

    "He better not." He hugged me, and then I went upstairs.

    Things were finally looking up in life.

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