Part Eighty-Three. The Boyfriend

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Part Eighty-Three. The Boyfriend

Claptrap continued to visit... well, quite a lot. Wheatley kind of lost track of how often it was, but nobody minded, really, because if Wheatley was occupied with Claptrap it meant that he wasn't pestering GLaDOS to entertain him. Though he was secretly confident she did miss that, at least a little, and bothered her about it at every available opportunity. Which she pretended to be annoyed about. Or maybe she really was annoyed, because she ended up kicking him out more frequently than he would've hoped.

Eventually someone – Wheatley couldn't remember who – decided they weren't going to split up for once, and they were all going to do something together. Probably GLaDOS'd thought that one up, but convinced someone else that they'd thought of it to remain impersonal. Sounded like something she'd do, honestly.

When Wheatley wasn't listening, they'd settled on playing poker, which he loved and so was quite pleased about. GLaDOS attempted to get Atlas and P-body to play separately, but as usual they wouldn't hear of it, and so all there was left for her to do was sigh and deal to them as one. Carrie kept shooting angry looks at Claptrap, who kept nattering on obliviously about everything under the sun. That was Wheatley's usual role, but since Claptrap had plenty of things to say about the outside that Wheatley didn't know, he was happy to stay quiet and listen, for once.

While he did learn quite a lot of new information, mostly about Hyperion and Vault Hunters, the usual, it did not bode well for his poker playing; he lost every hand. GLaDOS, of course, won most of the ones she didn't fold, while Claptrap won most of those. Neither Carrie nor the co-op bots seemed to be doing too well. He did his best to remember to keep an eye on Carrie. She was not a good sport when she lost, especially to GLaDOS.

"Alright, kiddo," Claptrap said suddenly, tossing his cards into the centre of the lopsided circle, "I think you've given me the death stare for long enough. What's up with you?"

Carrie said nothing, just continued glaring. GLaDOS sighed.

"Caroline. Must you."

"Yes," Carrie answered in a grim sort of voice.

"I just wanna know why," Claptrap said, shrugging dismissively. "You're not the first one to do that, hon, but I mean, most people at least have a reason to hate me. I don't think you do. Do you? Does she?" He turned to look at Wheatley, who could only shake his head in a general sort of refusal. Unless she was still about the whole 'not sharing' thing. Well, too bad. Claptrap was a nice guy and Wheatley intended to be friends for him for quite a lot longer.

"I don't hate you."

"Okay. Heavily dislike. I can work with that. We're getting somewhere! But I still don't know why, kiddo."

GLaDOS looked at Carrie, who said nothing for another minute or so.

"I'm observing you."

"Okay..." Claptrap picked up the next few cards GLaDOS dealt him, glancing at Atlas and P-body when they squealed excitedly over their hand. "Mind sharing why?"

"'cause I gotta make sure you're good enough for my mom."

All eyes, even those of the bots, turned to Carrie, who studiously regarded her card rack.

"... what," GLaDOS said finally.

"I second that." Claptrap put his cards down. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means," Carrie said, glowering at him, "that if you can't treat my mom like my dad does, you probably shouldn't be here."

"You don't set the rules, hon," Claptrap told her, folding his arms. "If your mom wants me around, that's none of your business, is it."

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