Part Sixty-One. The Reconstruction

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Part Sixty-One.  The Reconstruction



“This is… most unlike anything I’ve ever seen before!”

Vocal match: negative.  Aperture Science Vocal Database Version 4.5.8, unavailable.


“You can fix her, though, right?”

Vocal match: negative.  Aperture Science Vocal Database Version 4.5.8, unavailable.

But I know that voice.  I know what it is without the database.  I just need to place it…

“Well, I believe so, yes.  I’m reasonably certain, anyway.”

“You can just say yes, you know.”

“I suppose I could, little one, but I wouldn’t want to disappoint.”

“You never do!  You don’t understand!  You have to fix her!”

Who are they talking about?  P-body, probably.  Atlas usually gets her into dangerous situations.  I’ll fix her myself.  I’d do a much better job, anyway.  Later, though.  I’ll do it later.  I’m very tired.  It’s hard to think.  I can’t really think at all, only about how tired I am.  Whoever it is that I have slight recognition of can’t be that important, or I would have remembered who they were by now.  I can’t really remember anything, but… I don’t really mind.  I have a vague impression of being far too warm and in overwhelming pain and doing enough work at once to last me a lifetime, and everything now is just… nothing.  I don’t feel anything, and it’s nice.  It feels nice to rest like this, and not to worry about anything.  I think I was worried about something before.  But if I can’t remember, it probably no longer matters.  I must have dealt with it.  It must be all right to sleep.

“Oh!  There’s something you need to look at.  See, a long time ago she had this accident…”

“I have to say that was an… interesting endeavour.  But superb craftsmanship!  It’s a pity we won’t ever know quite how the insulation works… but in any case, it did.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“We can’t disconnect her from her power source, my dear.  It would probably destroy this entire facility!  But you see this?  It allows for the isolation of certain circuits, so that individual sections can be repaired without removing her from the grid.  Ingenious!  It seems that for all their tomfoolery, this was one thing they did right…”

Who is that.

“Where did all that… grey stuff come from?”

“What – you mean the dust?”

“I’ve never seen anything like it before.  I don’t know what it is.”

“Oh, that’s right.  You were built after… well, that’s dust, my dear.  Computers tend to attract a lot of it.  Especially larger, older computers.  That will probably help with any overheating problems she was having.”

“But what is dust?  Is that stuff in me too?”

“I don’t think so.  Computers don’t generate dust, so I don’t believe there would be any cause for you to encounter it.”

“Do floors?”

“Not the type of floor you have.”

“How about –“

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