Chapter 9: Dreams and Reality

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I couldn't stop it.

I couldn't prevent it.

Now, I realize that there were many chances to take them down.

But no, I absolutely failed.

I instead chose to be a coward and run. I decided to retreat instead of push forward. I could have saved the many lives lost in the collapsing of Inkopolis Tower and the fire. Now, this brings me to a choice. Live to defend others and witness the taking of lives...

Or die and just end it all.

Of course, this isn't a critical decision in reality, but if I was forced to choose, I would pick sacrificing myself for the sake of others. Losing one life is better than losing thousands.

Dying wouldn't really matter that much too me, though. I mean, who am I compared to everyone else? I would be forgotten anyway...


Hazy images flickered on and off in my mind. Whether it's reality or not, it gave me a lot to think about.

My eyes fluttered open slightly. The sharp pain in my head had subsided a tiny bit. Through the blurriness of my vision, I saw Sapphire, her silver hair reverted back to light-blue. My head was presumably in her lap, her looking down at me with a sad expression. Tears were falling from her face and onto the sand; tears that glimmered in the sunlight. Out in the ocean, the rising sun shined down onto the glittering water as it moved in minuscule waves. Behind Sapphire were the cliffs, and beyond that, I could see, just barely, the outlines of the buildings of Kettle City.

My eyes opened up more, and I could see Sapphire notice. A hopeful smile appeared on her face as she leaned over and cupped my chin. She gave me a slight kiss on my lips. As she retreated, I began to notice the small cuts and injuries she had, and the ragged clothes she wore. My mind immediately recalled me speeding on my bike on the girder, Sapphire holding on tight to me, the shots and explosions dangerously close to me.

Suddenly, the sharp pain returned to my head. I began to feel light-headed and dizzy. In the last few seconds before I blacked out again, I saw the expression of worry reappear on Sapphire's face.

And the silver and light-blue Mach Bike floating towards the shore of the beach.


In my weak vision, I saw the shadowed white ceiling of a bedroom, shadows of raindrops projected on the white surface from the window. The room was dark. The rainy weather outside made it gloomy. Rainy weather rarely happened, which was weird, for we were all surrounded by bodies of water. Since it was raining, that meant no squid was outside, for they would get hurt by water.

I opened my eyes further. My tired eyes peered around the room. There on a chair sat Sapphire looking down at her phone. Attentively, she noticed my movement and came to me. Her mouth opened, seeming like she was calling out to someone. But no sound came out. Or rather it was me who couldn't hear.

Soon, familiar faces surrounded me. Aiden, Chloe, Sean, the Squid Sisters. They all smiled and tried to talk to me. But I still couldn't hear a thing. Then a faint sound became apparent.

"...silver..." a voice whispered as quiet as could be. I began to have a questioning look on my face. Everyone around me appeared confused as well. Then, the voice grew louder.

"Silver," it said clearer. Gradually, the voice became louder and louder. The sound became irritating and booming, causing the sharp pain in my head to return, as well as ringing in my ears. I clamped my hands over my ears tightly, while seeing the distraught faces of my friends.

Splatoon: The Corruption of InkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora