Chapter 15: Recapturing Kettle City

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The tired eyes of the leaders jolted awake as the plane made contact with the runway. Gradually, as tired yawns and exasperated groans turned into mumbles and chatter, the plane had taxied through the runway to connect with a passenger boarding bridge.

Silver pushed the plastic window shutters up. Right outside the window was the wing of the plane. He saw the bright, small beacons that outlined the runway, for it was still dark outside. Currently, it was early Wednesday morning. Before about six o'clock, presumably.

"Please unbuckle your seatbelt. Some more directions that most passengers don't listen to... And have a nice day! You can save us, heroes of Inkopolis!" the horseshoe said over the intercom. He was holding a microphone up to his lips, and he was standing in the front of the passenger section of the plane.

"Please exit the aircraft," his final remarks were uttered. Immediately as he said that, many of them stood up out of their seats and began to stretch.

Silver stood up with a tired Sapphire struggling to open her eyes leaning against her shoulder. He took his small backpack and made Sapphire wear hers. They decided to wait onboard until all of their friends were off. After DJ Octavio passed their row of seats, Silver and Sapphire stood up tiredly and began to make their way to the exiting door.

Before they exited the plane, Silver and Sapphire saluted and thanked the horseshoe crab pilot. They bent down and carefully shook his small hands.

"This is Kettle City?" Thalia exclaimed with surprise and slight disappointment in her tone. "So much has changed since we first ran through here a days ago.

"Thalia, this is just the inside of the airport. You'll see parts of the city you'll recognize once we get out of here," Phoenix said with a chuckle as he carried his backpack and Thalia's light-weighted belongings.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh..." Thalia said in a wavy voice, having an "Aha!" moment.

"Why aren't there any people here, though," Aiden asked aloud.

The group became silent. "I'm pretty sure no one's here because of the Octarians invading this area. If there really are no Octarians here, that means they're all fighting back at Mount Pique," Silver explained slowly.

"There should at least be a few Octarians here if their whole mission is to capture all of our cities," Chloe said, half in complaint. "They shouldn't be that stupid."

The group exited out of the empty airport and stepped out into the streets of Kettle City. Even with the technological and futuristic look of the buildings and roads, the whole city seemed to be deserted. All was quiet and eerie as everyone anticipated something to surprise them.

The beach where Silver tried to commit suicide was empty. The laboratory where the fighters were given their first teleportation capsules was empty. The house where Silver was nursed back to health after the destruction of Inkopolis was empty of its generous resident. It seemed as if everywhere the group went, they could not find any signs of life.

"Do you remember how to use the capsule, Silver?" Sapphire asked slowly and quietly as she tugged on his arm.

Silver shot a glare at her. "...What's your purpose in reminding me?..." Silver shot back at her almost inaudibly.

"Umm... I just wanted to make sure, Silver," Sapphire said a bit louder and calmer as she hugged Silver.

Silver hugged her back quickly and continued to lead the group through the barren city.

After a bit more than an hour of walking through the city, the group of fighters decided to rest in the middle of the city. In the middle of the city was the municipal center of Kettle City, which was surrounded by other city government buildings. From there, the four main roads of Kettle City branched out to the north, south, east, and west.

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