Chapter 13: Fighting in the Wilderness - Part 1

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Silver was the first to reach the forest line, dodging all the sniper shots that were released through the abundance of trees. He panted, his back to the bark of the tall, thick tree. Laying down on the grass, he held his Splatterscope to assess the situation. As Bubblers, Splash Wallers, Krakens, and Bomb Rushers rushed in, he began to snipe the nearest of the enemies. His silver, sniper's line of sight was almost invisible, traveling through the grass and through the fighters who were clashing. With that position, he was able to take many Octarians out or at least immobilize them.

Thalia went in as a Kraken with her new weapon that was bought for her, the Octobrush. As she tripped and injured Octarians, Sapphire swam behind her in the trail Thalia made as a Kraken. Immediately after Thalia's Kraken ran out, she hid in the ink while Sapphire turned from a Krak-On Splat Roller to continue Thalia's job. When Sapphire's Kraken and every other fighters' special ran out, the Squids would have to fight back with ink and guns.

Meanwhile, Phoenix was traveling sneakily through the little rocky valley in the middle of the field. Using his speed, he splooshed and slowed down the Octarians hiding in the valley. Though, through his run, he was shot painfully a few times. Finally, he retreated back to one of the many beacons hidden in the forest.

Thalia and Sapphire and all the other fighters continued to push forward. Even with the many Octarian fighters, the Squid fighters were able to push forward. Soon, they had pushed them back past the middle rocky valley. The Octarians had stopped fighting, which was unusual.

"Phoenix, can you and other short ranged fighters charge on ahead first?" Sapphire requested.

"Sure," Phoenix said as he motioned to other fighters to drop down in the valley. Immediately as they dropped down, many Splat Bombs were thrown from the other side into the valley.

"PHOENIX, GET OUT, NOW!" Thalia yelled as she stood up to start rolling to the other side. As soon as she made her appearance known to the Octarians, a line of Inkzooka tornadoes were shot at the Squids. As fast as she could, she docked back into the rocky, plain cover with the others. She winced as she heard the Splat Bombs explode in the rocky mid-trench and screams afterward.

"PHOENIX!" she cried out. Her rage sped up her Kraken recharge. She laughed insanely as she jumped over the trench and turned into a Kraken, immobilizing and even killing some of the Octarian fighters.

Silver came from out of the trees after the army had advanced forward. He glanced down into the trench to see Phoenix barely alive, but many other fighters injured or even dead. He saw Thalia on the other side of the trench staying behind the front line.

"...Thalia!" Silver shouted from the other side of the trench. He motioned for her to come back to him. She jumped over the edge and went back to Silver with a blank expression.

"Hey, um Thalia?" Silver put a hand on her shoulder. "Can you help me get Phoenix and these people to the river over there?" he asked, pointing to the river that ran alongside them a few yards away.

"Why the river?..." Thalia said, almost crying as Silver went down into the trench to retrieve Phoenix and other injured squids.

"I can cleanse the substance off of the bodies and we can all send them to the front lines to be splatted and then respawning back somewhere," Silver smiled down at Thalia as he brought to weak and injured squids: Phoenix and another fighter.

"Why not keep washing the substance off the bodies?" Thalia looked at Phoenix sadly.

"It's inefficient and the Octarians would probably pull out their lethal, ancient weapons if they found us respawning and healing," Silver said as he nodded for Thalia to follow him. Silver carried the younger octoling to the river. With Thalia watching behind him, Silver laid Phoenix's body in the slightly running water. Soon, Phoenix began to wince which told them that Phoenix began to feel the pain of water once more.

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