Chapter 12: The Secret of CI-220

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"Yup. I want to tell you all. We need to stop General Shadow and save all the Octarians who are unwilling to fight," Phoenix said determinedly. He sat upright in his seat and looked around to everyone else.

All of the everyone around the table nodded with a smile. They had liked the two new octolings' sense of determination and confidence.

Silver, Sapphire, Phoenix, and Thalia were seated around a conference table in an underground room deep inside HakoForge Base. Sheldon and some authorities of the base were gathered as well. But the new appearance of the octoling refugees was something to see.

Phoenix was still in his octoling armor which he wore over the top half of his body. Though, only that and his hair identified him as an octoling. He had slightly colored skin, and red-colored eyes. On his feet, he had a pair of boots instead of the octoling boots. His octoling goggles were removed and his hair was fully uncovered. His hair was pulled to the back, except it wasn't tied up, and with one bang of hair in the front. Even though his hair was dark fuchsia, there was a highlight of fiery red.

Thalia had her hair falling in the back, but with two pigtail-like styles in the front. She had her octoling armor on, and was similarly dressed like Phoenix. Her skin was slightly paler than Phoenix's, and she had blue-colored eyes. Electric blue highlights accented her generic octoling hair.

"Hey, why do guys have highlights in your hair?" Sapphire questioned, adjusting her position in her chair. "I didn't see those yesterday."

"We do?" Phoenix said. "I don't know. I'll look in the mirror later. And not to mention, I feel different than I was yesterday."

"Really?! What color are those highlights?" Thalia asked, her bright, blue eyes shining.

"Blue," Silver said with a smirk.

"Oh, that's the same color as my eyes," she said as she looked at Phoenix. "I don't get how I didn't see your hair until now," Thalia giggled as she played with her Octoshot.

"What are they?" Phoenix asked Thalia.

"A really vibrant red," Thalia said excitedly. "Hey, Phoenix, what does 'vibrant' mean?"

Phoenix sighed. "Lively. So, my hair is really red?"

"Yup, it's so cute!" Thalia blushed as she said it. Phoenix smiled warmly.

"Guys, we need to discuss the information you have," Sheldon said with a slight smile, sitting with leaders of other groups of the Squid army. "You seem to know a lot. Maybe you should start off by introducing yourselves."

"Okay," Phoenix took a deep breath. "My name is Phoenix, and I'm fourteen years old."

"And I'm Thalia," Thalia smiled. "I'm thirteen years old."

"Thirteen?!" a numerous number of members gasped, surprised. "Isn't it fourteen for both inkling AND octoling?" a random person asked. Many others nodded, looking for a response.

"It's a long story-" Phoenix said before he was interrupted.

"Well, tell us all of it!" a member said. Everyone else nodded and started to listen intently.

"Well, okay," Phoenix started. "It was about a month ago. I was thirteen, and Thalia was still twelve. We were with our families in our small homes located in Octo Valley. As always rules were strict there, and it was always like a dictatorship. During that week, I was to turn fourteen the next day, and Thalia was supposed to turn thirteen the day after that."

"Hey, Phoenix, is today Tuesday?" Thalia randomly asked with the most innocent of smiles.

Phoenix sighed and smiled back. "Yeah, it's Tuesday." The others chuckled at Thalia.

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