Chapter 16: The Art of Throwing Knives

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It was already late in the afternoon when the remainder of the group boarded the ferry in the east docks of Kettle City. The shadows of the rocky plateau on which the city was founded on were cast on the docks. The ruins of the constructions of Hammerhead Bridge were seen in the distance, connected with tiny rails to the islands of Firefin Town and Kettle City.

"...Well... It sure is gloomy down here..." DJ Octavio tried to break the silence as he boarded the ferry.

No one responded to him. Silver let the octolings sit on his bike while everyone else sat inside or leaned on the railing of the small ferry. Silver was driving the boat even though DJ Octavio knew how to; he was just lazy.

Silver sat at the cockpit of the ferry, trying to be logical and figure out the controls. He was mad at DJ Octavio for being lazy and not teaching him how to drive the boat. Sapphire stood behind him, trying to learn with him and help him.

After about thirty minutes, Silver finally figured out how to drive the ferry. It budged forward out of the docks and started its way to Firefin Town.

"Finally!" DJ Octavio sighed loudly.

Unfortunately, Silver heard him. "Excuse me? You have no right to be jubilant, for you made the decision not to assist us in a time of urgency!" Silver yelled through the door.

"Dang..." Marie murmured as she twirled her thumbs.

Sapphire only stayed silent as Silver yelled. At least the ferry was on its way to Firefin.

The ferry ride to Firefin was slow and quiet. Everyone was still stunned by earlier events in the middle of Kettle City. The fear of being close to death like Sean was still fresh in their minds. But maybe, everything was a little too quiet.

About halfway of the journey across the water, Thalia was leaning over the railing staring down into the water. It was deep with a dark shade of blue.

"Hey, Phoenix? What are those?" she asked in a small voice as she pointed down to the water.

"..." Phoenix became silent as he stared down at the water seeing what Thalia pointed at.

Barely visible in the dark waters were multiple, large, circular dark objects. Faint red lights flickered on and off on the objects.

"Umm, Silver?" Thalia asked loud enough for Silver to hear out the cockpit. "Can you stop for a second?"

Silver granted her request and gradually slowed the ferry to the stop. In a few short minutes, Silver and Sapphire walked out of the cockpit.

"What's up, Thalia?" Silver asked as he and Sapphire leaned on the railing next to Thalia and Phoenix.

"What's that?" Thalia and Phoenix pointed to the water. Silver and Sapphire caught sight of the dark circular objects with beeping red lights, giving them a deep nagging feeling.

"Oh those?" DJ Octavio asked casually as he walked over to them. "Those are some bombs that we set in the water. Just to outsmart people who think they're smart." He smirked.

"So..." Silver took a while to comprehend. "You're saying that you ultimately set those bombs to outsmart yourself, who thinks that you're smart?"

"Umm, I guess," DJ Octavio shrugged. "Oh, and they stick to anything that passes by. And they detonate in ten minutes if not defused," DJ Octavio added.

"Are you-" Silver face-palmed and groaned. "So we have to go into the WATER and DEFUSE the bombs right now?!" Silver asked in an annoyed voice.

"Umm... Y-Yeah!" DJ Octavio tried to say enthusiastically as he leaned casually on the ferry railing.

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