Chapter 1: Breakup ;)

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Abeer's POV
I don't know how to say it to her....she is so nervous I can see it on her face. She is fidgeting with her fingers from the minute I came in... God this is much harder than I expected.

She was siting in front of me on the couch in her spacious apartment and well I was sitting across her.

"So...." She trailed off but I was relieved atleast she broke the silence.
"Annie i....."
Come on just say it at least she will get over you then. My subconscious yelled at me.
"I think we should breakup" see I said it. I felt I had lifted a big load from my shoulders.

As soon as those words left my mouth she whipped her head up and stared at me with her beautiful brown orbs and I swear I saw a sparkle in them but than her face was blank.

When I didn't say anything she again started fidgeting with her fingers.
"So that's it then?" She asked in a very low voice.

That's it than. Off course that's it! I can't hurt her more. I can't even look at her now because I know if I look at her I will feel only one emotion 'guilt'.

So without speaking I stood up from my seat and dashed towards the door. When I was about to go out I just glanced a last time and saw she is in the same position.

"Good bye Annie and I am sorry." I said.

With that I left. I know she will cry for some time but soon she will forget me. I would have never done this if I had not fallen for Neha. And truthfully I didn't wanted to cheat Annie in any way she was an amazing person and she deserved someone who would cherish her.

I am sure the way I found someone she would also find someone.

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