Chapter 15 : The Devil's Re-entry

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Neil's POV
After the building incident me and Genny went to her mansion. We watched around 6 movies that night ultimately leading me to have a nightover.

That's the reason she didn't needed her 'baby' this morning. After, reaching she left for her lecture and since thankfully Mr. Shastri was gone for a conference I had a free lecture and so did Anahita. Fine let's see where she is...

I searched her almost everywhere but she was nowhere to be seen.

Where is she?

I wander in the hallways in search of Anahita. That's when I heard her voice and you know the weird thing her voice which is always confident was laced with fear.

Before I could process what was happening my legs were working on their own and carrying me towards the source of my curiosity - Anahita's voice.

"You are just like her sweetheart." I heard a deep voice of a man. And without even looking at this man I can 100% surely say that he had lust written all over his face.

I immediately froze and leaned towards the door from were the voice was coming. But trust it was a wrong move because thing I knew I was stumbling due to the raised voice Anahita used on this man,

"Don't even dare to talk about her, her name is very pure to come out of your filthy mouth." She yelled.

"Feisty, nice. You are just making me crave more for you sweetheart." the nerves of this man.

"You know what, you are pathetic case. So there is nothing I can talk to you. But I just wanna tell you one thing I am not the same naive 12 year old. Remember that." She said quietly. Too quietly. It was like she was actually challenging him to just make one move and he would be on the ground the next second.

I mean wow. That's like my girl. She just doesn't need anyone to protect her.

Your girl. Huh. My subconscious wiggled his eyebrows.

Shut up idiot.

Then I heard footsteps towards the door. So I quickly ducked behind the lockers and hid there from were I could see Anahita leaving.

But then I saw something which shocked me to the core..

The person talking to Anahita was none other but...

Our P.E. teacher.....
Mr. Vivan Malhotra.


aj POV
I hate him actually despise him. He even has the guts to even look at Annie. She told me about their conversation in his office. After hearing her I really had a strong urge to kick him out of this college but I knew it was not gonna help and just for the sake of Annie I am keeping my cool or else this man would be in a hospital bed with broken bones.

If only looks could kill I swear with my glares he would had already got buried ten feet under ground.

But in between all these things I am not gonna let Annie hurt. She has already been hurt a lot and now its high time someone protects her. At that time I didn't had even the slightest idea if what's going on with her but now I know and I am gonna protect her with my life.

Vivan as Alex Pettfyer..

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