Chapter 16 : A Secret to keep...

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Neil's POV
PERVERT! Yeah, he is a complete douchebag. VIVAN MALHOTRA IS AN OFFICIAL JERK. That man has gotten himself on every boy's badside who have a girlfriend, crush or even a sister!

At first when I heard him with Anahita I thought he was just interested in her. I mean who wouldn't? She is beautiful. But no. That man is interested in every single human being who wears a skirt.

You won't believe but during our P.E. lecture he told all of us to do some stretches and stood behind the class when I turned around to look at him he was staring at girls. Could you believe that?

I just shook my head and kept Rina out of his vision.

Oh yeah. Rina is in my P.E. class.
We all have got weird setup of P.E. class.
Me and Rina
Chand and Genny
Raj and Anahita.

Finally the class ended. I don't know how are we gonna practice with this man.

After changing into jeans and a white a V neck T-shirt I grabbed my backpack and left the locker room and at the same time even Rina was leaving the girl's locker room.

"Hey, Neil." She said cheerfully.

"Hey pretty what's up?" I replied with equal cheerfulness.

"Nothing, much. By the way why were you trying to shift me in different places in the class ?" She asked with a frown. 
"Oh that, I just wanted to keep you away from perverted views. You know special orders from Mr. Chand Singh." I answered with a smirk.

She just rolled her eyes and waved a goodbye at me. I waved back and made my way towards the parking lot. As soon as I reached the parking lot I saw Anahita who had a frown on her face and was making her way towards her car.

I was about to call her name, but then decided against it. She sat in her BMW and started to leave the premises, I immediately jumped in my car and started following her.

Now I was driving the car for the last 20 mins we were already out of the city and near the boundaries of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

At last she stopped the car and went inside the forest. She just had a sketchpad and a pencil in her hand. She comes here to sketch?

I started following her again but kept a distance so she doesn't notice me. Soon enough we reached a clearing and what I saw was beyond beautiful.

There was a big lake surrounded by trees where Anahita sat comfortably on the grass. She took her sketch pad on her lap and started drawing on it.

I just stood there hidden in the bushes looking at the beautiful scene before me.

From where I was standing I could see her left profile. She had her legs dipped in the water, pencil just swiftly touching the paper. Her face was giving the aura of an innocent baby busy with herself who doesn't give a shit about anybody right now. The way the sunlight kissed her hair and back on her face after reflecting on water made her eyes more shinier. The view of this beautiful person just sitting there was......Breathtaking.

I don't know for how much time I was looking at her but soon enough I snapped out and decided to show her that I am here.

So I stepped out and made myself visible. Her face changed expression so quickly, but the thing which scared me was that it changed from shocked to confused to anger and remained like that.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She shouted at me.

I flinched at the tone she used but still managed to give a smile.
"Hey to you too." I said with a smirk. I actually felt proud of myself for not getting intimidated by the glare she was giving me.

"Don't you dare step forward, just leave!" She yelled.

"I just don't wanna talk to anybody." She said softly probably to herself.

I just sighed and kept walking towards her and sat beside her so that my thighs were brushing hers. When she turned her head towards me, I just gave her a reassuring smile for which in return she just had an expression of confusion on her fragile face.

In that one moment I really observed this amazing yet complicated creature....Anahita Arora. Her beautiful wavy brown hair, her watery brown eyes with thick lashes, fair complexion, a cute nose with few freckles which actually were adorable, plump pink lips with a set of cute dimples which were a rare sight due to her even rarer smile.

I was really sitting close to her maybe just a few cms away. Suddenly Anahita pushed herself away from me and sat straight clearing her throat.

"Well....I-I think I told you to leave." She said breathlessly. She had a tinge of pink on her cheeks. Was she affected by me? The thought pleased me.

"Is Anahita Arora really blushing?" I asked her teasingly.

"Off course not. And by the way what are you doing here?" She asked me obviously to change the topic and for now I let it slip.

"I came to talk to you." I replied giving her my brightest smile.

I knew I had lifted her mood because those dimples which I have started to adore where making there way on her cheeks and soon enough there was a genuine smile on her face. And trust me it was a Kodak moment. Therefore on instinct I took my phone and clicked a photo of hers and fortunately she didn't notice it.

After that we didn't talk. For how long? I don't know, we just sat there in a comfortable silence but my eyes got stuck at the sketchpad she had in her lap. There was a sketch, that too of the same girl which I had seen in her room.

I think she noticed that I was looking at the sketch because then I heard something I didn't knew I will hear...............................

"Can you keep a secret of mine with you?"

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