Chapter 18 : Breakfast and phone call

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Neil's POV
I want to see her. I know sounds lame and sappy but can't help it. So, I called Raj and told him that I am coming to have breakfast with them. He readily agreed as usual.

Soon I was in their building's elevator cruising to the 16th floor which feels like eternity and trust me the 'Ding' sound of the halt never felt this appealing to me before.

I eagerly knocked the door but was greeted with a very ungrateful sight...
Raj in a towel. Someone's just been out of the bathroom I guess.

"Dude at least wear something and wander. For God's sake, you live with a girl." I said annoyance clearly evident.

Raj raised his brow at me and smirked.

"I hope you do remember that the girl I am living with is my cousin that to first cousin." He said amused leading me inside.

I just rolled my eyes and settled myself on the dining table where a lady in her mid fifties was serving toast with jam. Just the way I like!

She glanced at me and gave me a warm smile. "Master Raj told me you like bread with jam so I made it that way. I hope you like it." I already like this woman.

I gave her my best thank-you smile, "You don't have to hope I like it already actually I love it." I said and started eating.

"Aunt Maria I will need a crocin for this head-" but the angelic voice stopped mid sentence. There was the cause I came here. She was standing on the top of the staircase of her duplex apartment. Her left profile in view. She was wearing denim shorts and a One direction band t-shirt.

Another Directioner.....

"Neil... What I mean um..what are you doing here?" She asked still a little shocked from seeing me here.

I smiled at her and casually replied, "I came here to see you." And winked at her.

She scowled but didn't said anything. And motioned something to the lady whose name is Maria. She nodded and left.

Then she came and sat at the most furtherest part of the table but then suddenly stood up and sat right beside me. I gave her a look of amusement and she just scowled at me.

"Listen, whatever happened yesterday.... I just got a little carried away by the moment. So just forget about the girl and no need to over think about who she was, clear." She said and immediately got up to sit where she was sitting earlier.

As soon as Anahita was about to start eating her toast,...
"Wait Annie what are you doing?" Raj exclaimed as if she was just about to commit a crime.

"What did I do?" She asked utterly confused. Well even I was confused.

"You can't start eating till me..." he pointed towards himself ".....the superhero of your life is not present." With that he winked at her.

She rolled her eyes and took a bite of her toast,"oops". She said and smirked at him.

Raj pouted and sat on the chair which Anahita had just vacated.

"Not fair Annie" he said while eating his own toast.

"I never said I play fair." She said while looking smugly at Raj and then her eyes where on me. As if she is indicating that the sentence was for me.

I just furrowed my brows. And she glanced back at her breakfast. The sentence was definitely for me.

Then we all ate our breakfast in silence. The novelty was that even Raj was quite.

"Let's do something I am bored we have like an hour for college." Raj exclaimed.

Spoke to soon....

But before me or Anahita could protest her phone started ringing with an English song. Words were like love.. I... Would..isn't it one of those one direction 's song. Well you can't blame me I am not a huge fan of them.

As soon as she saw the caller ID her face hardened. She picked her phone,
"Hello" she said very formally.

From the other line someone must have said something very common because she rolled her eyes.

"Yes Dad." She said emphasising the word 'Dad' more specifically.

Her Dad!

Her dad said something on which she furrowed her brows,
"That's not possible I checked it...Okay fine I will look into the don't need to cancel it I will send it to you in like...." She immediately glanced at her watch and continued, ".....30 mins."

"Yup" and she hanged up.
Whoah! If I ever hanged up on my dad like that he will slap me like there's no tomorrow. What? They are quite strict when it comes to taking and giving respect.

She stood up from her seat taking me out of my thoughts and exhaled a long breath.

" I will see you guys in 30 mins." She said and started climbing the stairs.

Raj gave her sympathetic smile before she disappeared behind the stairs.

"What was all that?" I asked Raj. I know he won't ever lie to me about anything.

He glanced at the stairs as if contemplating whether he should say something or not. But then he sighed and decided to say it.

"That was her dad and my uncle." He said.

"No shit sherlock" I muttered sarcastically and he smiled a small smile but nevertheless he continued.

"Nikhil Uncle is a little dominant in nature." He sighed. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with anger and bursted,"He is actually an asshole. No offence to Annie. But he just considers her a damn robot. He knows she handles a whole council here. But still he would load her with the presentations of his company. According to him she should get used to all the burden because as soon as she completes her graduation he is going to dump her in that business world. I swear if she could have been here.." He suddenly stops with his eyes widened.

"What? Why did you stop? You were talking about something. Who is this she?" I know I was asking many questions but I can't help it she is the most mysterious person I have ever met and whenever I have tried to understand her she was always becomes more intricate to me.

"N-nothing. It just slipped." He started fake laughing. As if I don't know his laugh.

But then came the sound of the taps of converses. And soon enough she came into view. She was on the phone.

"......yes I will keep that in mind." She sighed and hanged up.

"OK guys I am ready let's go." She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and quickly made her way towards the door.

"I think she is right let's go." Raj quickly ran after her.

I sighed. Again no info. But at least I got to see her. I smiled to myself.

Maybe this mystery is not for solving. Maybe its not a mystery actually, maybe she just needs someone to trust and I am sure I can be that for her.


Eleanor Calder as Anahita.
I hope you like her.
Pic on the side. 😘
Hope you you enjoy it.

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