Chapter 17 : Akira

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Neil's POV
I was taken aback by her request. Come on who wouldn't? She must have thought that I am not interested because the hopeful expression she had dissolved and a mask of numbness was put on by her.

"Never mind........just...forget I asked that." She was stuttering due to the awkward silence I created. But when the words she said were absorbed by my slow brain my reaction was immediate.

"No no no no no.....I mean off course I will keep your secret. No biggie. Plus I promise you it will never leak because I absorb secrets just like a giant black hole." I said with a charming smile.

She glanced at me with her head on her knuckles her elbow propped on her knee while she was sitting cross legged on the plush grass. She glanced at me with a small smile playing on her face with off course those cute dimples on full display.

I really like those dimples.

Again silence surrounded us, a comfortable silence. I noticed how this place really is, does this lake even has fish in them?

I shake my head at my own question. Sometimes I really start thinking weird things.

After sometime she sighed. She didn't  looked at me just passed me her sketch pad which I took and examined her sketch. I don't know much about all this art stuff but I could still say she is good at it.

I was broken out of my thoughts by her voice,"Her name's Akira." She signalled me that she was talking about the girl in the sketch by pointing to it with her chin.

I looked at her surprised. She was really gonna share something with me? I just nodded my head to let her know I am listening so that she could continue.

She sighed. "She was one of the most important person in my life. She was really kind, gentle and used to know what I wanted." She smiled I think at some of the memory she had of this awesome girl Akira.

"But as usual since that so called God doesn't wants me to be happy he stole her from me and left me here to be all alone." She sighed again but her voice had started to crack and I knew she was gonna cry but when I looked at her face it didn't had a single tear rolling down.

She looked at me, I just took a deep breath and asked the first question that came in my mind.

"What happened to her?" I asked my voice shaking due to the fear of what could have happened to her.

Her face had hardened instantly as soon as I asked her. She turned towards me and gave me a deathly glare, "I just said I am gonna tell you a small secret, not my whole damn life story. And I don't think I had said you to ask me any questions. Did I?" She said coldly.

I gulped and kept my voice low,"No." She was literally making me feel like a child. And suddenly I actually felt like my mom is in front of me.

She sighed. Don't you think she is sighing a lot today.

"Listen I think we should go home its too late." She said softer than earlier.

"Yup, I think so." So I stood up and we started walking towards the bushes from were we entered this heaven earlier.

"So when will I get another chance to keep your another secret?" I asked her to lighten up the tension between us.

She gave me sideways glance but I didn't miss the small glint of amusement in her eyes and I knew everything is OK between us.

"Well I will tell you when you will follow me like you did today." She said very calmly.

I was shocked. She knew.....but how? But before I could even ask her she had already turned her engine on.

She waved and winked at me and well as usual I was left dumbfounded by her.

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