The Final Chapter: Caleb's POV Part 1

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Three girls left.

How could I possibly choose a partner to spend the rest of my life with, rule along side, and love with all my heart in the time period given? It just wasn't possible...

Each of the girls had a share of my heart. Daisy, who didn't have one mean bone in her body, making her the kindest royal if we were wed. Bailey, who had strength and determination, which would make her prepared for any task that lied ahead. Then Gabrielle... whom I shared my first kiss of the selection with. She was beautiful, smart, determined, AND kind. It felt wrong getting so close to all of them, just to send home the other two.

Of course three wives would be very wrong as well.

This was all so difficult. I had to find a way to clear my mind. Luckily, there was a knock on my door at that moment. I opened it to greet Marcus, holding a raggedy old football, and a big cheeky smile.

"You up for a little game?" He offered up, tossing the ball back and forth in his hands.

"You bet," I hurried to get on some shoes that weren't dressy and close my door. Marcus and I hadn't hung out, just the two of us since the ladies arrived, so it was safe to say I missed it.

Once we were outside, I had to take my suit jacket off. Sure it was near fall, but you couldn't tell in Angeles, the sun had as much power as ever. I turned around to see Marcus doing the same thing.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" Marcus asked in a smug way. Caleb just laughed it off, getting in position.

"I hope you don't mean by you, because there is no way that could happen."

"Woah! Watch out ladies, we got a snarky one over here!" Marcus laughed, tossing the ball to Caleb as a small warm up.

"You know it," The prince caught the ball with ease, and prepared to spiral it back to his brother.

"So... do you know who you are going to pick?" Marcus sprung the question on Caleb, making the blonde boy halt in his steps and not throw the ball.

"You know, I actually came out here to get away from that." He said it to almost hurt Marcus's feelings. Almost.

"I just asked because now that you are so close to having your own wife, you can get over that little crush you had on Olive."

Caleb, you could tell, was not expecting this. He stood there in silence for a second.

"I never had a crush on Olive." He stated in a somber tone.

"Of course you did, that's why you tried to get close to her right before we married. It's called having a crush." Marcus explained, waiting for Caleb to throw the ball back.

"No, that's called being nice. Of course, you wouldn't know what that is." Caleb slammed the football on the ground, grabbed his suit jacket, and began walking away from his older brother.

"Just know," Marcus called out to him, "She's with me, not you. She is pregnant with my child, not yours. She is going to be my queen, and you are going to be a lowly guard under my orders." Caleb marched faster out of his brothers sight.

Had he heard his brother right? Olive was pregnant?
"Father, I have made my decision." Caleb greeted King Maxon with a tilt of his head.

"On...tonight's dinner?" Maxon was obviously confused on what his youngest son was talking about.

"On who I am going to marry." Caleb clarified, making his father sit up a little straighter.

"And who will that be?" Maxon questioned, as a tall girl with brunette locks, strutted into the room with a baby blue dress with no layers that went to her knees.

"Does that answer your question?"
Hope you guys liked part one! part two will be up shortly, then I will begin editing the whole book! Comment your thoughts below!

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