Chapter 4: Caleb's POV

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One girl at a time I called upon them. They would meet me in the seating area, curtained for privacy, for a what you can say was a meet and greet.

First up was this tall blonde that could be a model. She probably was. She strutted up to the curtain with Grace and perfection. She was absolutely stunning.

As soon as she sat down, I could not keep my eyes off of her in that pearl white dress. It matched her icy blue eyes that could not keep off of me either.

"Hello, I'm Prince Caleb." I bow remembering the customs again.

"I know who you are," she smiled crossing her legs to get comfortable.

"I'm Jayden." She gave a crooked, yet devilish smile, flipping her blonde locks over her shoulder.

That caught me off guard and I forgot that we were suppose to be having a conversation.

"It's lovely to meet you, tell me about yourself." I blurt out not as smooth as I wanted.

"Me?" She put her hand on her heart and laughed a little.

"Why there is nothing much to say, I am a two from Kent, I model," I totally called that. She brushed her fingers through her bangs while talking. My father always did that too, but never as luscious.

"I have two lovely siblings," she smiled, if I had not been distracted at the time, I could have noticed that the smile was not genuine.

"And I love..." This was the first time in our whole conversation she had to think of something to say.

"I just love different foods," she smiled crossing her legs the other way around now.

"Really? I do too! What is your favorite food?" I ask resting my head on my hand preparing to listen to whatever came out of her mouth.

"I can't just choose one, but if I had to it would be a crème brûlée." She smiled putting her hands in her lap and tilting her head a little. Her cheek bones seemed very high when she smiled. She kind of looked like a less mature Olive.

A Guard came in to signal it was time for another girl to come in. She did what looked like a Princess wave and strutted out.

Who could top that?


This girl seemed to be a little short, but she was very smiley and she looked like a bubbly person to talk to. I bowed as she walked in, and she was about to sit down when she remembered to curtsy.

"Formalities! Whoops." She laughed then say down. She was wearing an emerald green dress that matched perfectly with her tan skin and Hazel eyes.

She was a brunette, and I loved brunettes.

"Hi, I'm Reese Steer!" She said very excited and held out her hand for me to shake. I took it and she seemed relieved, as though she thought I wouldn't.

"I'm Prince Caleb," I smiled.

"Hi." She said again.

"Hi." I laughed and she giggled along.

"Sorry, I can be a bit nervous at times." She smiled nervously to prove her point.

"That's alright, I get like that at times too. So, Reese, tell me about yourself." I smiled and looked at her. She was a natural beauty.

"Well, I am a three from Midston. I love to cook, bake, draw, and my true passion is writing." She said looking down, then looking up into my eyes.

"Really?" What kinds of stories do you write?" I asked in interest.

"Mostly fantasies, you know, werewolves and fairy type things," she answered,

"What kind of things do you like to do?" She asked. Out of the ten girls I have woken to so far, none have asked me what I liked to do.

"Me? I like to horseback ride, running, yeah I am big on running, and watching movies." I say with a little laugh and smile.

"Really? What is your favorite movie?" She asked. Later on by other girls I got asked this question too. One girl had a whole conversation with me about our favorite movies. I ended up having different answers for all of them because it was so hard to just choose one.

"Gone With The Wind, it is such a classic." I express with my hands just as the guards give the signal.

"It was nice meeting you." We said in unison and laughed. "Goodbye." I smiled.


I was exhausted after almost all the girls went. Two girls actually cried because they wanted to go home so bad. That makes my elimination choice easier. One last girl had come in, and my attention drew right to her. She had pink hair. Light Rose bud colored hair that was in a braid.

"Why hello." I said with a laugh before I bowed.

"Hi." She laughed a little too, and did a proper curtsy, like she has done it a million times.

"I am Prince Caleb," I said taking a seat.

"Lovely name, your highness. I am Rosalie. It is very nice to meet you." She was proper and polite.

"Why hello Rosalie, do you mind telling me about yourself?" I asked still staring at her hair.

"Okay, well, I am a two who use to be a five living in Dominica. My step-sister is very famous, and, I know you are probably wondering about the hair. Well, I went a little crazy when my parents died." She said with a smile, then she began looking down at her feet.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." I apologized. I had lost nearly all my grandparents as well, I never even knew them.

"Don't sweat it, it is not your fault." She smiled at me again. Her teeth were very white, just like her dress.

"So..." I began wanting to change the subject, "You said your step-sister is famous?" I asked

"Yes, she has performed here many times, do you know a Samantha Noble?" She said, which she was referring to her step-sister.

"Yes, I have heard if her. She is great on the violin." I input.

"Isn't she? She is the one who taught me how to play most of the instruments I know." She said.

The guard came with the signal.

"I guess you will have to show me sometime." I smile as she got up to leave.


My father and brother said I had to eliminate at least five girls. I obviously got rid of the home sick ones, and then, three others that I did not have a connection with. It was the first week of the selection and already I am down to twenty girls.

Oh Boy.

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