Chapter 1: Caleb's POV

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"98, 99...100," I practically fall on my face after that last push-up. I just lay there for a minute, breathing heavily and not wanting to get up from the comfy spot which I lay.

There was a knock on the door, which made me turn my head ever so slightly, because any other way would require the effort that my body didn't have at the moment.

The blonde hair enters before the actually person does and I sit up, grabbing a washcloth that was on the ground beside me to dry off some of the sweat coming from my hairline.

"Hey... What are you doing on the ground?" Olive asked, holding out her hand for me to take. I grab it and she helps pull me up, I steady myself once I am on my feet.

"Just working on my push-ups," I flex my muscles as she laughs,

"Put those spaghetti noodles away," she said pushing my arm down.

"You just did that so you could feel my muscle." I laugh with a big, goofy smile.

"Maybe," she teased.

At this point in time you might be confused. No, Olive is not my girlfriend, even though she is an image of perfection itself from inside and out. Unfortunately, she is taken by my brother. A few years ago Olive won Marcus's selection, and for all the wrong reasons. It was because she was a tall, pretty, two. I of course don't think of her like that, but Marcus believes in dating wealthy mannequins. 

"So, what's up?" I ask drying the sweaty part on my forehead. I sit on the edge of my bed, as she joins me, smoothing out her dress first.

"You know you have a big day today, you shouldn't be sweating in a tight shirt, you should be in a nice suit... Grooming." She says and I can't help but burst out into laughter.

"Grooming? Is that your newest vocab word?" I would always tease Olive about being a dumb blonde, even when everyone in the castle new she was probably the smartest person around.

"Yeah, I found it on your word of the day calendar." She shot back, nudging my shoulder in a big sister kind of way. I would know, Kaleigh does the same thing all the time.

"Nicely played." I said rolling my eyes in a joking matter. I really did love Olive... like a sister of course. Any other way, and Marcus would have my pretty blonde head on a silver platter.

"I can't believe my little Caleb is going to grow up and find a women of his own." She smiled standing up off the side of my bed, smoothing out her dress again.

"I know, I will be so busy with the selection, I will barely get to see you, or Kaleigh, or my parents...." I trailed off, standing up as well. It was safe to say that I towered over Olive, the girl was only about 5'3. "I guess I will miss talking to you... goodbye hug?" I suggested, holding out my sweaty arms wide to wrap them around her.

"Caleb! Get your sweaty pits away from the silk!" She squealed so loud, it probably echoed down the palace halls. I tightly wrapped my so-called, 'spaghetti noodles' around her skinny body with a laugh.

"Hopefully, your new wife won't have to suffer through that." Olive glared as I put her down. I was sure she, whoever she was, would have to.

"Does Marcus never torture you like that?" I laugh, but Olive just looks down like that was a touchy subject.

"Sorry..." I mumble looking at the ground as well. I was usually more quick witted then this, about a year ago I could have thought of something to cheer her up about 10 seconds ago. Now... Wait, I think I got it.

"You know Olive, remember that time when Marcus-"

"Found the tampon and used it for a nose bleed?" Olive finished looking up at me, laughing and snorting from the memory. It always did amuse me that my brother and I had to learn about every countries trade exports, but never had the time to be educated about women's health products.

After that thought we both burst out laughing in unison. It was quite a vivid image in our head that was hard to erase. It stuck with us for all these years, who knows how many more it will stay.

"And remember the string was just-" Olive was trying to say through her laughter and occasional snorts.

"Up! I do NOT need to know all the details... I don't need to be THAT educated." I stop her, holding my hands at level with my head in surrender with a chuckle. Olive quickly died her laughter down, cracker a smile, and wrapped her arms around me, managing to avoid my sweaty pits.

"Good luck in your selection. I hope you find the one." Olive smiled.

"I hope so too."

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