Chapter 12: Olive's POV

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🎶Because you know I'm all about that bass, about that bass, no treble🎶 The music was playing and it was my favorite song. The party was officially starting.

"Hey Princesses!" I turn to see a girl with a wide smile and high cheekbones, enter with a pink sleeping bag wearing a lacy, light blue, nightgown with a little sheep over her heart. I smiled and waved feeling bad that I did not the girl's name, and Kaleigh ran and gave her a hug,

"Hey Gabrielle!" She said taking her pillow from her hands, helping her with the load.

"Me and Olive's sleeping bags are right over here," She starts to lead her over to where we both are sleeping, but Gabrielle does not move.

"Uh, I know this is odd, but I was going to ask if I can sleep on the couch... I kind of have a bad back," she almost whispered, looking down

"Yeah, okay, sure, just set your stuff over on it," Kaleigh said nodding and placing the pillow down on the long couch then sitting down on the love seat.

🎶every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top🎶 The song keeps going as I straighten my sleeping bag once again. The whole room reeked of awkwardness.

Daisy and Sarah walked in smiling in matching pajamas.

"Hey guys!" I greet as they placed their sleeping bags down side by side across from Kaleigh and mine.

"So... Guys, what do we have planned for this sleepover?" Sarah asked excitedly sitting criss-cross on her sleeping bag.

"Lots of fun that's what!" Kaleigh said excitedly, not giving anything away.

I heard the door again and this time it was Jayden. Kaleigh didn't greet her after ten seconds of standing there, so I decided to do it.

"Hello Jayden," I smiled as brightly as I could but the room was more silent then a mouse. She didn't even smile as she strutted in and dropped her sleeping bag on the other couch.

"What? I am NOT sleeping on that floor." She rolled her eyes and sat down, crossing her legs, which I thought would be hard in that tiny nightgown of hers.

"Why not?" Kaleigh said standing up and walking slightly towards that couch.

"Because important people don't have to sleep on floors." Jayden said, pulling out a very similar nail file.

"Oh my god, you are the blonde bi-" Kaleigh said before I interrupted to set Jayden straight.

"Not to be rude, but Kaleigh and I are sleeping on the floor, and we are plenty important! Actually, even a little more important then you." I said sitting down again to make sure I didn't burst anymore.

"More important then ME?!? You are just a lottery winner!" Jayden shouted right as Penelope, Bella, and Bailey walked in a little flabbergasted holding different colored sleeping bags.

The silence begins to hang in the air as everyone is just staring at one another.

At about the thirtieth second of silence Gabrielle stands off the couch, grabs a throw pillow, and chucks it at Bailey. Everyone suddenly looks at her as she is smiling.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Gabrielle breaks the silence as everyone all over the room is searching for a pillow to hit one another with. As I am looking for one, I am bombarded with three pillows at a time.

I laugh evilly as I find a pillow and whack Kaleigh with it. Then we all hear the door open and throw all our pillows at whoever is walking in. That poor maid.

We are all laughing and apologizing, as the maid is setting out snacks from the cart she was driving on the coffee table.

"Do you guys want to play Truth or Dare?" Gabrielle asked, then sat down on the couch she would sleep on.

"Your just planning this sleepover aren't you?" Kaleigh laughed as she sat down too. Gabrielle nodded with a laugh as well.

"Well, I have to warn you, I am amazing at this game," Kaleigh acted cocky, raising her eyebrows as everyone else sat down.

"The I dare you first," Bailey said even cockier. Wow, this room is full of sass.

"Okay, lay one on me," Kaleigh tried to keep from laughing, as Bailey crossed her arms and legs.

"I dare you to go tell that guard his zipper is down." Bailey smiled as the other girls laughed. The whole time Jayden was ignoring us all, just filing her nails away.

Kaleigh, being the dare-devil she was, walked towards the door as all I the girls and I followed behind.

"Excuse me sir, XYZ." Kaleigh said not even looking in that area.

The guard looked very confused as Kaleigh inched closer and went into a low whisper,

"Examine. Your. Zipper." And it was not until she turned away back to the room when he looked down, and pull it up.

We closed the door and everyone was laughing harder and harder each second by just thinking about the events that were displayed.

"Okay, Gabrielle, truth or dare?" Kaleigh asked as we all sat back down in a circle.

"Dare, because of I choose truth, you will all start making chicken noises." Gabrielle laughed. And everyone agreed that they would.

"Okay, but warning, this is a good one," Kaleigh said, tooting her own horn with a smile.

"I dare you to go knock on my brother's door and ask for a late night make-out." My eyes went wide as did every other girls in he room. Even Jayden looked up from what she was doing.

What surprised everyone even more was when she said, "Okay," and we followed her outside.

We arrived at Caleb's door, and we all his around he corner, but it was close enough to hear everything. Gabrielle gave three gentle knocks on the door.

Caleb walked out with no shirt and some plaid shorts. "Gabrielle? What are you doing here?" He asked rubbing his eyes a little.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted a late night make out sess." Gabrielle smiled deviously as Caleb's face went from sleepy to fully awake.

It took all of my Will power to not burst out laughing, out of the corner of my eye, Kaleigh was having the same problem.

"Well, I uh..." Caleb was out of words as Gabrielle continued to play the part as seductive.

"You don't have to say anything," she said putting her finger to his lips and I let out a little snort, but they did not hear it. Everyone was dyeing of laughter.

"Gabrielle, are you sure..." Caleb asked a little confused as he looked down the hall towards the Women's Room.

"Wasn't tonight the sleepover all of you were having?" He genially had no idea what was going on.

"Yeah, but now that you mention it, I'm not really feeling it tonight," Gabrielle came out of posture and shrugged.

"Sorry to wake you," she shrugged again and walked off towards the Women's Room.

Caleb stood with that confused look stuck to his face. He mumbled a 'what?' under his breath and slowly closed the door to his room.

As soon as we were sure he was in the whole hallway echoed with our laughter as we all ran back to the Women's Room to catch up with Gabrielle.

"That was awesome." I smiled giving her a high-five.

And the whole night was just like this. Full of fun, and great moments. This sleepover was probably one of the best ideas we have had since the selection started.

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